21. What Will Jim Say?

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The next morning I woke up and had breakfast. About half an hour I was sick again. What the heck was wrong with me? Sherlock was already up and John was just walking in the door. "Morning. Here this is for you." He said giving me a brown paper bag. "Erm, thanks." I said. I looked inside and laughed out loud. "What?" John asked. "Seriously?" I said. "Yes. You never know, plus its better to know then not to know. Yesterday explained a lot, if this is true then your fine if not you'll need to go to the hospital." John said. Okay, in case you didn't figure it out yet, he wanted me to do a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test!

"Whatever, fine. Anything to make you happy." I mumbled going into the bathroom. Once I was finished I looked at the tester. One line was not pregnant ams two lines was pregnant. I looked closely and saw that there were two lines. "Psh, yeah right." I said. I didn't believe this. I shook it and one line disappeared. I decided to show John. I so we shim and he said,"Double check. I'm not sending you to a hospital if your not actually I'll." I rolled my eyes and went to drink a lot of water. I then went back and tested again. Geez. I looked at the tester and it was two lines again. I swallowed. What if I am pregnant? This says I am. But it could be wrong... I suddenly felt a wave of worry fall over me. I opened to door and walked to show John. "Two lines.." He muttered. "You are Samantha." He sighed. "What i-is that not a g-good thing then?" I asked hesitating. "Well, its Jim isn't it?" He said. I nodded. He was the only person. My first and only person. There had been no one else. "Well, all I'm saying is, is Jim really going to want to raise a child? In the state he's in. He is not fit to be a father." John explained. "Congratulations." Sherlock muttered, coming in and it if his trance. "Samantha, what are you going to do?" John asked. I didn't know what I was going to do! I was scared, worried, I haven't even finished college and I'm flipping pregnant! I can't deal with this!

"I can't get rid of it. No way." I said panicking. "No? Good. Will, Jim is going to prison anyway so I, we, will help you." John said. "I don't know if I'm ready for this. I can't have a child who knows their father is a criminal who is in prison. I can't do that. I'll put it up for adoption or something I honestly can't-" John city me off. "You want that child if your to be living without it's real biological parents? At least the child will have you. She or he will know you've stuck by them." John said. "I'm going to have to tell him aren't I?" I said. "Yes." John nodded and smiled apologetically. "How?" I said feeling distant. "Just tell him. That's all there is to it. Plain and simple. Tell him." John explained.

"Of good. How is he going to react?" I exclaimed. "That's what I'm afraid of." John said. "What will he say?" I said feeling flustered. "You'll just have to find out won't you." John said. He held his arms out and I hugged him.

My feelings right now?

Completely and utterly terrified...

The Password Is... {A Jim Moriarty FanFiction♥} *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now