Chapter 3

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The quiet sound of Freddie singing met my ears as I awoke from my passed out state. My head pounding, I look up and realize I'm on the floor of the car. I start to sit up when a sharp pain in my stomach suddenly causes me to cry out. I look down to see one of my ribs poking out of my blood covered rash guard.

I try to scream, but nothing comes out. Slowly, I start to push my self up when my arm gives away from underneath me, and I hear a sharp snap in my shoulder. Then, I screamed. Looking at my broken shoulder, I started to sob. I then realized where I was, what had happened.

Forgetting my shoulder, I look in the front seat finding Dad sprawled across the hood of the car, the windshield broken. Mom was nowhere to be seen. Gritting my teeth, I slowly ease myself out of the car since the door was gone. Tears flowed out of my eyes as I fell out of the car and landed on sharp pieces of glass and rocks. The pain in my shoulder spiked and I screamed again.

I then started to crawl with one arm, the pieces of glass embedding themselves into my hand and knees. Even though I could feel the blood gushing out of them, I kept going.

When I reached Dad, I grab onto the car with my good arm to help me stand up. He was face down on the hood, not moving at all.

"Dad?" I croak.

No response. I try again and again, until I finally put my fingers on his neck. I felt nothing, not a single pulse. Shaking my head profusely, I shake him frantically as I start to cry.

"Daddy, please. Please wake up," I said, my voice breaking.

I hear a quiet groan behind me. I quickly turn around to find my barely recognizable mother coughing on the dirt road, littered with car parts.

"Mom?" I scream as I stumble and collapse next to her.

She smiled meekly up at me.

"Hey sweetheart," she rasps before she starts coughing uncontrollably. I look down at her bloodied state and start to freak out.

"It's okay, Mom. I can fix it. I can fix it." My voice breaks as I scramble to take off my rash guard and try to frantically soak up some of the blood.

My mom places her hands over my shaking ones and starts to shush me. I look into her tear stained eyes and I start to sob.

"Listen to me baby. You have made me and your father so proud and I love you so much. Don't forget that okay?" She whispers before she starts to cough.

Before I could say something else, she places a necklace in my hand.

"Be strong darling, no matter what" she whispers, the life slowly leaving her eyes.

I try to question her, but she falls limp, her hand cold. As soon as I realize that she was gone, I sobbed into her chest and cradled her into me.

"I'm sorry Mama, I'm so sorry" I chocked.


The beeping of a monitor awoke me from my sedated sleep. I blink rapidly, adjusting to the brightness of the room. Glancing around, I realize I'm in a small hospital room. Despite the colorful paintings on the walls and beautiful flowers, I felt quite the opposite.

I feel someone squeeze my hand, their hand was rough and calloused. Turning my head, I find a man hunched over in a chair. His shaggy black hair covered his face as he slept on the edge of my bed, his hand still in mine. I look closer at the mans profile and I gasp.

He bolted upright and looked up at me.

"Damian?" I croaked.

Before he could say anything, I quickly sat up and engulfed him in a hug. I could hear him crying into my shoulder and I ran my free hand down his back in soothing circles. He hugged me tighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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