We've been friends forever, so don't take this the wrong way,
But of all the girls, I'd pick you any day.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's really gay," I think outwardly, patting Brooke on the shoulder. "You gonna tell me who this is about?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Brooke sighs.

"I mean, yeah. But it's more fun when you say it."

She punches my side lightly, and I rub the spot in mock pain.

"So. . .who is it?"

"Stars with a 'C' and ends with a 'hloe'," she remarks smartly.

"No, really?" I gasp.

"You're terrible."

"I know."

Jeremy's POV

"C'mon!" Christine yells, pulling me through the halls by my hand.

The final bell had rung a few minutes ago, and the second I stepped out of the classroom, the girl practically pounced on me.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask, trying to keep up.

"Band room! Hurry up, Jeremy!"

"I'm trying!" I whine, dragging out the 'y'.

"Sorry, sorry, excuse me, ah! So sorry!" I hear Christine say as she plows through the crowd.

We arrive at the door, but before we walk in, she puts her hands on my shoulders and turns me to face her. Her fingers lightly adjust my jacket, and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"You look great. Go get 'em champ." She says proudly, sounding like a parent before a little league game.

"Go get what? Christi-" I start to say, and then she pushes the door and enters.

The band room is dark, except for some Christmas lights that have been hung from the hooks on the wall. A figure is standing in the middle of the room, fidgeting with their hair.

"Micha?" I inquire, recognizing the gesture.

"Hi, Jer," he replies, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

The soft glow of the lights make him appear a little angelic, and it makes me feel warm inside.

"And...voilà," someone whispers from the shadows behind me.

And with that, a few more lights turn on. Music plays too. It's a slower song, definitely a love song. I don't recognize it, but I do recognize the feeling in the singer's voice.

With the new light, I can see that a table and chairs have been placed in the center of the room. The table has been set with some paper plates, complete with a battery-powered candle.

"Gentlemen!" Rich announces, stepping out from the darkness. "Please, sit down!"

I walk to the other side and pull out Michael's chair. I extend an open palm, signaling for him to take a seat.

"Oh my God," he laughs, situating himself while shaking his head.

I take my place as well, placing a paper napkin over my lap, giggling slightly.

"Welcome, to Middle Borough Dining. I'm Richard, and I'll be your server today," Rich chokes out, attempting to keep his voice monotone.

"Well, Rich," Michael begins, mimicking his tone, "What's on the menu this afternoon? My boyfriend and I expect the upmost priority in this engagement."

It Was Only a Kiss; Boyf RiendsWhere stories live. Discover now