"GO HOME!" Kagami demanded, ignoring the rest his son had to say, now fully focused on Aomine. "Get out of my house!" He shouted.

"Like hell I will!" Aomine snapped back, standing up so Kagami wasnt towering over him. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Oh yeah?!"

"YEAH!" Aomine shouted and pointed a finger at the twins behind him. "What the fuck is up with them, huh?!"

Kagami paled, his eyes going wide as he suddenly went really quiet. He looked over Aomine's shoulder to see his kids startled, slightly shaken and confused as they were addressed so roughly. They didnt seem to know anything, but Aomine, Kagami could tell he had figured it out. He knew it would happen if Aomine spend too much time with them and got a chance to study their faces and way of doing things.

"Kiseki, DJ, please head upstairs." Kagami said, his face still pale and hands slightly shaken. Thank God that they listened to him without complaining like they usually did. Before they could fully leave the kitchen, Kagami had quickly hugged his son, happy that he was okay and back home safely. While Japan was pretty safe, compared to America, there were crazy people all over the place. Last thing he would want was for someone to hurt his baby... Though he supposed he had done that himself. He kept their father away from them. No pictures, no memories, nothing. They didnt know anything, only that he wasnt in the picture, obviously.

Once the twins were upstairs and he heard the bedroom doors close, Kagami opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He was so scared. Why? This was his own fault, his own doing... He just wanted to protect his kids... The Aomine he knew from back in high school wasnt exactly a great father figure, lazing around all day, only looking at idol magazines and playing basketball. Aomine used to be so selfish and arrogant, cocky... Not the traits of a father. Besides, they had only been 16, who was ready to be a parent at that age? He went through with it because he couldnt terminate the pregnancy when he heard their tiny heartbeats going fast, he couldnt give them up when he held them for the first time.. His babies... He had ruined his of future, his dream of becoming a pro basketball player- he didnt want to drag Aomine down with him. He had also just been scared to be cursed and yelled at by Aomine, that he would push the twins away.. So to prevent that, he just never said anything. To keep the twins from being denied, he tried to keep them away from Aomine ever since they came back from Japan. He just wanted to protect them... And himself...

"Say something!" Aomine demanded, making Kagami flinch slightly and look away.

Kagami teared up slightly and shook his head. "What do you want me to say?" He asked softly. "The answer is right there! You saw it!" He snapped before tears started falling down his face. "They're yours, okay? They're yours! Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?!"

Aomine growled and roughly grabbed Kagami by his shoulders, shaking his roughly. "I'm a fucking father and you never told me!?" He shouted. "How could you?! For 16 fucking years! They're fucking 16 and you never told me!" He didnt know how to feel right now. He was furious! He had kids that he didnt know about for 16 years! Why? Was he that untrustworthy? Why had he never told him?

Now the twins were 16, they had grown up without a father all their life, how on earth was he supposed to now all of the sudden enter their lives?! He couldnt just randomly walk up to them and be like: 'Hey kids! I'm your dad! Nice to meet you after 16 years' No, it didnt fucking work like that! How was he gonna catch up to all those years missed? They didnt need him! They didnt need him even though he had never been given a chance!

"Well what do you fucking want from me, Aomine!?" Kagami demanded, tears still going down his face, fuck him for getting emotional. "I was 16! In America! And a boy on top of that! We only had sex once! I cant just call you over the phone and tell you were becoming a father! Fuck off!" He shouted. "You have no idea what was going through my head!" Kagami defended himself. "You were an arrogant bastard then, you would have denied them!"

"You dont know that-!"

"I do!" Kagami snapped back. "Do you really think that 'the only one who can beat me, is me' would make a good parent?! Fuck you!" He snapped, his voice breaking after imitating Aomine.

"That still gives you no right not to tell me!" Aomine growled. "If I'm their father I deserved to know, not to find out 16 years later because your son- our son got himself lost!"

"Dont call him that!"

"What? Our son?" Aomine snarled. "It is what he is!" He said, glaring at the red head in front of him. "I deserved to fucking know! I missed out on everything! Maybe I wouldnt have been the best dad at the age of 16, but what guy is!? At least I would have been able to decide if I wanted to be involved or not! Now it's a little late!"

Kagami's eyes went a little wide hearing that last sentence. What did he mean? His heart broke a little. "What are you saying?"

"You dont want me involved, I fucking wont be! There? Happy?!" Aomine snapped. He pulled away from Kagami and headed for the door to quickly pull on his shoes. "Have fun raising those bastard children alone!" He shouted before stepping out and slamming the door shut behind him.

Kagami stood frozen in place. What just happened? Aomine, he... A sudden sob left his mouth and he quickly covered his mouth with his hand as he started to cry. Why was he so fucking upset? Why was he so heartbroken? He had been raising the twins all long, he never wanted Aomine involved, but now to have Aomine walk away without accepting the twins just felt wrong. It hurt...


What Kagami didnt know is that both the twins sat at the top of the stairs, having watched the whole fight. There was no way they would have wanted to miss this. It was about them and they had been confused too. Why were these two grown ups fighting about them? But as it became clear, the twins just sat froze at the top of the steps, listening to this parents fight... Parents... Aomine was their dad... They had a dad! Someone real! No dream person, but someone they could actually touch! No wonder the old man had been acting so weird.

Kiseki and Daiki's eyes followed Aomine with their eyes, watching the man leave, but not notice them at the top steps. It would be a weird angle to be able to see from the front door. While they hadnt known that Aomine was their dad, to now see him walk out hit the both of them. Kiseki teared up and Daiki just tightened his jaw and fisted the fabric of his pants into his hands. Their one chance of meeting their dad and he walked out... Should it hurt this much? They never had a father, so it shouldn't matter. But it had always been a dream of them to meet their other parent. Never in this wide world had they ever thought it was possible, yet there he had been. So close...

A/N: Finally finished all my exams and projects. My mood fit this chapter pretty well, because I'm fucking pissed off. This one teacher just keeps getting on my nerves! Just thinking about it gets me worked up all over.

Anyways, let me know what you thought of this chapter. Did you think it would end like this or had you expected something totally different??

Thanks for reading!

Until next time!

XXX KneelingAngel

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