"I won't listen." Jordan pulled out his iPod and plugged in his ear buds. "In fact I won't even watch." He said while burying himself under the covers.

   I rolled my eyes. "Continue."

   "I had a whole speech prepared, but fuck it." He stood up and literally swaggered to where I sat, then placed a hand on my cheek and leaned in, stopping only an inch away, blue eyes pleading. "Let me kiss you."

   Well. That was forward. Zayden chuckled.

   I froze. Did he really just ask me that? What about Zane? I'm confused. Confused because I wanted him to kiss me at the same time I didn't. Zane is in the past, my history; I shouldn't be hung over him like this. Sure Declan is basically family and does stupid things with Dmitri, but they make life fun. Day by day they brought a new adventure, the next one better than the last.

   Sitting here with Declan so close, I could hardly think of Zane. But he's still there; I could hear his beautiful voice ringing in my ears.

   "Melody Saunders, the suspense is killing me. Will you let me kiss you? Without pushing me away and having Jordan bust my ass?" He chuckled softly.

   I felt his breath swirl in my nose, it smelled of mint.

   Without my permission my body leaned forward gradually, and then our lips met. My eyes stayed open for half a second as I fell into the kiss.

  His pale pink lips were soft and sweet and tasted of mint. I could feel him being careful, not wanting to chase me off. As the smell of pine trees overcame me, I shocked myself by wanting more. This is Declan, who I've known since childhood, all his familiar smells and touches, somehow intensified.

   He was only just brushed his lips against mine, not letting me have it all. Wanting more (a lot more) I leaned in and parted my lips. He started backing up so I threw my arms around his neck, forcing him closer to me. He opened his mouth and moved with mine as I tangled my fingers in his hair, wanting him even closer.

    Evidently he felt the same need as me. He removed the plate for my lap (forgot about that) and set it somewhere else. We were kissing heatedly when he climbed on top of me. I'd been sitting up when his hand gently eased my shoulder down until I was laying down with him on top of me.

   I moved my hand from his hair and let it wander to his broad chest. The hand that had been cupping my cheek was now on my neck and the other around my waist.

   "For all that is holy, what are you doing?" Jordan raged.

   He shocked us both and Declan rolled off of me and onto the floor.

   "Shit." He exclaimed breathless.

   "That's nothing compared to what I will do to you." Jordan rose to his feet on my bed and glowered at Declan.

    "Jordan no!" I reached for his hand and cradled it, trying to calm him.

   "What? He was attacking you. I saw you pulling his hair and pushing his chest. His body was holding you down for Christ's sake!" Jordan's eyes burned with anger.

   "Declan, get out so I can talk to Jordan." I looked over; he was still on the ground.

   "You sure?" His blue eyes flickered to mine, I could see that he was worried.

   "Get out! You heard her! Now! Or you're maggot food!" Jordan shouted while Declan got to his feet. With a wistful glance at me he opened the door and disappeared.

   "Explain why you made me let him walk out on his own two legs and still breathing properly. I wanted him to leave this room strapped to a gurney with an air mask on his head." I flinched at the picture Jordan painted.

   "Listen Jordan," I said, pulling his hand o me so I could seat him on my lap. "I was kissing him back. What you saw was me enjoying, not resisting." I admitted.

   "I don't understand." Makes sense, he's only eight.

   "You're young. You won't understand kissing and things like that for awhile." I explain.

   "Melody, I'm well aware of kissing and what not. It did seem as if you were struggling, but thinking back, you two were close to making babies." He laughed, I grinned. "I don't understand why you kissed back."

   How lovely is it that I'm talking to an eight year old about this? "Well Jordan, I'm not sure of that myself. He asked to kiss me and I just did."

   "Did you like it?" He teased.

    "You saw some of it. You tell me." I challenged.

   "I'm sure you did. Want me to stay quit?"

   "If you don't mind." I smiled.

   "I will. So what now?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "Are you two a couple? Friends with benefits? A no strings attached thing? Make out buddies? Romeo and Juliet? Adam and Eve? Bonnie and Clyde? Sonny and Cher?" I laughed at the ridiculous assumptions he was making.

   "I'm positive it won't be anything like half the stuff you said."

   As I finished my sentence Ester and Aliyah stormed in. "What the hell Mel?" Ali's voice was too hostile for my liking.

   "What?" I'm too shocked to say anything else. Does she know about the kiss? Horror ran through my veins.

   "There are three boys arguing down stairs." Aliyah said icily.

   "And?" Jordan spoke before I could.

   "They're fighting over Melody!" Aliyah turned her glare on the eight year old.

   "Who?" Fighting over me? Why?

   "Kyle, Declan, and err, Zane." I'm screwed. "I'm pretty sure Dmitri's there now too, probably trying to stop it." Ester said, and then we heard a crashing noise.

   Here we go. Zayden sighed.

   "Or maybe not." Jordan sarcastically replied while climbing off the bed, pulling me with him.

   We raced down the hall and staircase to the living room, Aliyah leading, Ester a step behind her and Jordan towing me in the rear.

   My feet and heart stopped at the same time. Four boys looked up at our arrival, Dmitri, Kyle, Declan, and (gulp) Zane.

   "What the hell?" My fury is unmistakable.

   "Well," Declan acted as the spokesmen. "Your friend here," He pointed at Kyle, "comes to visit you. I told him you didn't want visitors yet." A meaningful glance at me. "We started bickering about what you would want. Then you ex," He bitterly said while gesturing to Zane, "showed up, what a miracle, also wanting to talk. We fought, they wanted to speak to you but I wouldn't let them." Declan stared at me, his eyes once again pleading with me.

   "Then I showed up to get everything under control." Dmitri continued. "But I guessed these idiots wouldn't listen, so I knocked over that hideous flower vase, doing everyone a justice. I'll get you a new one. They seem calm, well, less caveman-ish. So go ahead Mel, take the wheel. Ester, babe, could you make me some popcorn?" Dmitri laughed to himself.

   "What? I'm here now, what is it that you guys want so damn bad?" I ask, pissed with their childish behavior.

   "I was hoping to talk to you." I couldn't even look at his feet. "Alone."

  Kyle and Declan started to talk but stopped to glower at one another.

   "Okay Zane. Let's... go to the kitchen." I turn on my heel and start towards the kitchen without a glance back. I halt in front of the sink and stare out the window to our back yard.

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