at a loss of words

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at a loss of words


I love you...

I love you...

I love you...

Have you ever felt like

those three words

were too shallow

for the emotion

they aim to express.

Because I do,

everytime I look

into the night blue sphere

of your eyes.

It is more than love

I feel for you,

more than the mere bond of blood,

or the resemblance of DNA.

Sometimes it feels like we've lived

a thousand lifes toghether,

just because we couldn't bare

the thought of being


Everytime I touch my heart,

I feel you beating inside of it.

Your image is woven

into my spinal cord

and your name lingers

in every breath I take.

Whatever the essence of

a soul may be,

I am sure ours share

the same substance.

Like I said, there is no word

to describe what I feel for you,

I still wait for the progress of language

to catch up with my heart.

Until then

all I can say is that

I love you more than anything.

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