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All I hear

are echos of emptiness

and the unbearable noise

of your absence

And I feel raw

My eyes are feeble

My heart is riven

My soul is jaded

And everything is raw

I can't comprehend this

world that lost you

Nothing seems to

make sense

And I am trapped

Inside the metallic hiss

of my skull

Inside the petrified throbbing

of my thorax

Inside the nauseating constriction

of my guts

And everything is raw

They still look at me

with pity

even after six month

they stare at me

in anticipation

of a breakdown

So they would have

some new back row church-chatter

But I have lost you

I have to bare the pain

And they won't

shut their yap

While I can't even

utter your name

Fucking hell

I can't bare your name

It is too raw

I am a shell without you

I am Humpty Dumpty

I sat on a wall

you died

I fell

And now I'm raw

Too raw to be touched

too raw to be seen

too raw to be loved

And the only salve

that keeps my life

from bleeding out

of tattered veins

is the raw memory of you

A HINT OF BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now