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Heavy is an incredibly affectionate person. He hugs you every chance he gets, wants to walk around holding hands all the time, or have his arm around your waist/shoulders, and loves to give your cheeks, hands, neck, and shoulders little kisses. He loves those the most, but he gets a little shy when the subject of kissing your lips comes up

His favorite affection from you though has to be when you hold him really close and pet his hair. He just melts. Bonus points if you give his head/forehead a kiss. He also loves your kisses.


Giving, Dee is a little lackluster. He loves to have an arm around your waist, or even hold your hand, but other forms of PDA are a rarity. When you're alone though, you will undoubtedly be pulled into a hug. He'll hold you there against him for a good while. Leaning against a wall or lounging on a couch, it doesn't matter, he just wants to hold you. Or even be held sometimes. There have been times that he's walked up to you, bent to tuck his head under your chin or rest on your chest and just stay there for a while. He likes to hear your heartbeat. Kisses to your fingers, palm, or the back of your hand are pretty normal. Those will even happen in public. Kisses to your neck and shoulders happen sometimes if you or he have had a bad day.

His favorite affection from you is when you cradle his face, kissing all over his face and jawline. When you hold his hand and draw lines over every crease and bump in his skin. When you hold him, he loves for you to run your fingers through his hair or massage his scalp. He is going to melt into any affection you give him, just be sure to do it in private. He'll freeze up and get upset if you try it in public.


Glam is a soft kind of affection. There is his hand to your back, waist or shoulder, and the gentle side hugs he gives. Then there are the kisses to your hands and wrist. He tends to linger on the wrists.

The affection he wants from you are full hugs. He would love for you to squeeze him as tight as you can. Pop his back. He likes kisses to his jawline too.

Vicky is a much rougher love. You're gonna get yanked into her, held tight, and squeezed. She's gonna nip at your shoulder and neck. Expect hickies! She loves you, but that love is a little rough.

What she wants from you is a tossup between softer affection, or rougher affection. She absolutely melts when you caress her muscular arms, or gently hold her face. Pepper kisses all over her face and jaw. Massage her shoulders and you own her for a week. But on the other hand, she will not refuse if you opted to leave behind your own hickies. Hell, don't be afraid to just straight up bite her! She'd also love for you to just surprise her with a big bearhug!


His affection is a lazy kind. You're gonna get hugs, kisses, hand holding, and gentle petting. It's all incredibly casual and chill. His favorite thing to do is just walk up behind you and wrap you in his arms. Just stand and sway for a little bit.

From you, he wants to be held. Just walk up to him and hug him. Hold him for a little while. If you're in a position where you can reach, run your fingers through his hair and kiss his face. He'll melt.


Lif is a lot like Heavy. Any chance she gets she is drowning you in affection. Hugs, kisses, nuzzles, everything. She even supplies massages! She isn't ashamed of you, nor is she picky on exactly how she displays her love for you. Loves hickies.

From you she loves literally anything. Her absolute favorite though is shoulder kisses and warm, lingering hugs. She will not let go of you if you come in for one. There is no escaping her once she's got you wrapped up in her arms.



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