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Sorry this took so fucking long! I plan for this to be updated every Sunday, but that is subject to change. Enjoy!


Your meeting with Heavy was a simple one. You bumped into each other at school, quite literally. He knocked you over you collided so hard. This sent your books flying, as well as heavy's bag. It took him a moment to realize what happened, scrambling back to his feet, and looking down to you just starting to sit up." Oh, shit! Sorry! Are you ok?!" he shouted, reaching out to pull you back to your feet." Yeah, I'm ok. Are you? Why are you running so fast?" you asked softly while beginning to pick up your things, as well as his. "I'm late for class..." he mumbled, bending to pick up what was left. You two took a moment to figure out who's was who's before you gave him a bright smile. "So am I! What class are you in? we can say you were showing me around, 'cuz I'm new and all?" You offered, glancing down at the schedule. It was his." According to your schedule we have the same class." You added, trading the schedules." Yeah! Lets go, its this way." He beamed, leading you down the hall while excitedly chattering.


You were actually introduced to Dee by Vicky and Glam, kinda. An old biker buddy, Your mother Anna, had just moved back into town after the death of your father, Hank. Naturally, she sought out her old friend and got invited to dinner. It was a bit of a surprise when you showed up to, as your mother had forgotten to mention you, but you were welcomed in anyway.

"Anna! Bout damn time you showed up!" Vicky shouted happily, greeting anna with a bear hug, accidentally clocking you with her elbow and nearly knocking you off the doorstep." Whoa there, Vik! Watch the tike!" Anna laughed, pulling from the hug to check on you, clapping her hand on your shoulder." Huh? Oh- ya got a kid! You ok there?" Vicky said, bending slightly to be eye level with you." Yeah, 'm good. You missed my eye." You said calmy, offering a thin smile after you mother glared slightly, mouthing 'be nice'." Ya didn't tell me ya had a kid! Wats ya name?" She asked, crossing her arms as a tall, smiling man came to stand behind her."(y/n), or (n/n), either is good." You answered with a shrug." (y/n) is a nice name. I'm Glam." The man said kindly, offering a hand out to you, which you shook." Glam? Cool name." You complimented, making his smile grow slightly." Dee and heavy are upstairs playing a game, feel free to join them while we talk down here." He offered, standing aside and pulling Vicky with him to allow you and Anna in." Sure, sounds cool. Nice ta meet cha Glam, Vicky." You said kindly, walking upstairs to find their sons. They were indeed playing a video game, dee leaned back whooping Heavy's ass in some fighting game. You stood there for a while, just watching while Heavy complained." Aw, Come on! You're cheat-Oh! Hi!" Heavy shouted, waving at you once he'd turned to see you in the door. Dee glanced up, eyes turning back to the screen briefly before snapping back to you, a dark blush covering his cheeks as his eyes widened." Hey. Names (y/n) you said simply, walking into the room. Heavy hopped up from his seat, rushing up to you." Heavy! Nice to meet you, (y/n). I thought it was just a friend of mom's coming over?" he rambled, holding his hand out for a shake." Yeah. My mom's pretty scatterbrained and forgets things all the time. Me included." You said with a shrug, shaking his hand before looking down at a still staring Dee." If he's Heavy, you're Dee... What's a matter? Cat got your tongue?" you asked, head tilting to the side." Uh—Ahem. Yes, I'm dee." He said quickly, lounging back and brushing a stand of hair out of his eyes, trying to be cool about his little freeze up." Cool, mind if I play?" You asked, smiling and pointing to the controller." Yeah! Here, you can play instead of me!" Heavy said happily, pulling you to where he'd been sitting, practically shoving his controller into your hands." Cool, thanks." The rest of the night was filled with Heavy excitedly chatting with you, while Dee was always just behind you, a little to your side. Dee got the chance to talk to you a little bit, but much to his annoyance, his brother and mother were far louder with their curiosity.

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