This Isn't Funny | Marvel

Start from the beginning

Clint huffs. When Nat says something's final, it's final.


Bucky, while eating breakfast in the kitchen alone, picks up his phone to text Steve the same thing he texts him every morning. 'Here's your daily reminder to tell Nat that you like her.'

Clint, still in his room and trying to motivate himself to get out of bed, picks up his phone when it buzzes and finds that text from Bucky. His brows furrow as he replies, '?????' Then, 'Nat's like a sister to me???'

Bucky nearly drops his orange, realizing what he's done. 'oh crap', he types. 'that was meant for Steve'

Clint audibly gasps, then types as fast as Pietro probably would've if he ever texted anyone. 'SHURUP' He repeats it again, spelled better this time. 'SHUT UP'

Bucky, confused, replies, 'What?'

Clint is practically reeling. 'STEVE LIKES NAT'

Bucky finishes his orange. 'Yeah' Then, running a hand through his hair, he adds, 'don't tell anyone'

Clint continues to freak out. 'NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND' Then, 'NAT LIKES STEVE'

It's Bucky's turn to audibly gasp. 'I KNEW IT' After a few more seconds of shock, he says, 'WE GOTTA TELL THEM'

Clint goes to type back, but stops. 'or...'

'or... what?'

'Or we could make this more interesting,' Clint types, smirking. 'and entertaining' Finally, he adds, 'for us'

Bucky smirks, too. 'I'm in'


"I know something you don't know, I know something you don't know," Clint sings, trailing behind Natasha.

Natasha rolls her eyes. "That's nice, Clint."

"Don't you what to know what it is?" Clint asks, speeding up to walk next to her.

She sighs. "No, not really."


"Because it's probably stupid."

"It's not stupid."

"If you think it's not stupid, it probably is."

Clint stops, putting his hand on his heart in mock offense. "I'm hurt."

"You poor baby," Nat deadpans. By this point, they've reached the living room, where they're planning to catch the newest episode of Hell's Kitchen because they like to watch Gordon Ramsay yell at people.

Bucky knows this; Clint told him.


Steve is currently being dragged by Bucky to the living room, much to his dismay. "What's the point of going to sit in the living room if I could be sitting in my room right now?"

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