Chapter 14

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"Ansh, it's hurting!" Naumi cried out as he continue to drag her even after reaching in the penthouse.. He dragged her to his room and slammed her over the wall.

"U only have problem with me, right? Because you went on a date with one, danced with another but when it comes to me u always have problem." Ansh said caging her between him and the wall.

"What are u talking about?"

"Oh now you don't even understand. You think I don't see how the boys want to get close to you and how u lead them on. I didn't know you like men's attention. After kissing me that shock reaction was just an act,right? U just wanted my attention."

Naumi slapped Ansh hard. Her fingerprints were visible on his cheek. "It was u who kissed me first that night not me. It was u who said it was a mistake and humiliated me to no extent. Now u have the gut to say that I play with boys indirectly calling me a-... How dare u?!" She shouted.


"No! I so wish aunty was here to hear this. Like all these years of her teaching, you drained in the drain."

"Listen Inaaya,"

"No.. She would have have a heart attack.. And uncle, he would be very disappointed. Thank you so much for telling me what u actually think about me."

"Inaaya, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said that but I was mad and told you some nonsense."

"No. It's not. It was clearly the truth. And just bcz u were mad that doesnt mean u can talk like this or behave like this."

"I know but I can't control when I see u with other boys.."

"Why? Ansh u don't have to be overprotective. Eventually I will date, fall in love and then get married." Naumi shouted.

"U are not gonna date, fall in love and get married with anyone!"

"Ansh what's wrong with u? U know it will eventually happen and you can't stop that. Even u will do the same."

"I will not look for another girl and u too won't look for another boy." Ansh said darkly, looking straight into her eyes.

"Why?" Naumi was confused seeing his possessiveness.

"U can't fall in love with another person because you already in love with me."

Naumi's eyes widen and jaw dropped. How did he know was the only question. She was trying so hard to press her feelings but he knew.

"And I can't fall in love with another one because my Inu has my heart." Naumi's eyes widen more if that possible and this time tear was visible in her eyes.

Ansh came close and Naumi was watching his movement. He lifted her chin and kissed her softly. Naumi closed her eyes, tears falling down.

After some time he broke the kiss and rested his head with hers. "I am sorry."


"I am sorry for hurting you. I couldn't control it and kissed you that day. Later realized u were young to do those things. It could disturb you from ur goals that's why I had to call the most amazing thing a mistake."

"I was 18. I was legal."

"u know, u can't drink until you are 21. So,...."

"Fine.. But that hurt a lot."

"It was hard for me too. It was very hard to stay way. And I was not thinking to say it like this.. I wanted it to be special."

"We have time for that but u sure, u aren't drunk. I mean tomorrow I don't want to hear u say that u were drunk."

"I am not making the same mistake again,Inu."

"BTW why u called me Inaaya these days?"

"Because I promised myself that I will call you Inu when I finally tell you my about my feelings."

"U still didn't say the magic words."

"Don't worry I will say it tomorrow in our first official date." Ansh whispered and kissed her again.


Finally some improvement.. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Love u all

His Possession ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora