10 ( Jason )

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Wow...lots of readers...okay then..

I took a brake from the internet cause something very important happened.

My friend Jason turned 17 on sept. 15, and he tried to commit suicide again.

So, his friends, boyfriend, brothers, sisters, are all going through a really tough time and he has marks all over him that aren't self harm and he's not telling us what they are, and it's terrifying.

This boy has gone to hell and back, his life is awful.

He was forced to move out when he was 14 with his 10 year out brother and figure out how to live on his own away from his abusive family, and he didn't  do it To save himself, he did it for his brother.

He's been suffering from depression for  7 years, and has tried to kill himself 15 times.

Were lost, there is no way to help him, we've tried everything, and were all just waiting or that day that he won't wake up

I hope that day never comes.

If he wasn't here, his boyfriend would be dead, his brother would be dead, his best friend would be dead. he's helped so many people and he doesn't even know it.

He is by far the strongest person I know.

We love you Jason, don't do this to yourself



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