Chapter three

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Matthew arrived at the restaurant before his brother, which did not surprise him. His brother was normally very busy running his business. It was surprising that he had even found time to meet with Matthew at all.

The restaurant greeter lead Matthew to a corner table and left him a menu before hurrying off.

Matthew sat and stared around the restaurant. He had not seen his older brother Neal in almost a year. They lived in the same city, New York city, but Neal was always busy. Plus he didn't put very much value in people or relationships. That was one of many ways that the two brothers differed.

Truth be told, Matthew loved his brother very much, but they did not see eye-to-eye on pretty much anything. Neal always weighed success on how much money he could make, or how big he could make his business. Matthew, on the other hand, just wanted to help as many people as he could, no matter the cost.

"Matty! Sorry I'm late."

Matthew looked up to see his big brother Neal heading towards him. He got up and gave him a big hug.

"Neal," he said, grinning. "It's so good to see you! You look great. "

Neal smiled back.

"Thanks Matty," he said, taking his seat. "How've you been doing? "

"Pretty good, " Matthew said, sitting down across from Neal. "How's business been doing? "

"Oh, fine, fine," Neal said. "We've been laying off quite a few people to get rid of some superfluous costs, so we'll be doing much better in a couple of weeks.

"And how about you? Are you still wasting your life away at that nursing home you work at? I don't know why you won't let me hire you at Quin Tech. You could do much better for yourself. "

Matthew smiled slightly.

"I don't care about doing well for myself. I want to do good for others."

Neal shook his head.

"I don't understand you, Matty," he said. "I never have. You waste your time taking care of old people who are just one heartbeat away from death when you could be working somewhere that has a future. "

"Neal, that's what you want, " Matthew said. "And I can respect that. But I don't want any of that. I work at the nursing home in the morning and serve soup at the homeless shelter three days a week and I couldn't be happier. You and I, we're just different. "

Neal smiled and shook his head again, acting as if Matthew was behaving like a dumb little kid.

"Matty, I still don't understand that." He reached across the table and patted Matthew's arm. "But if you're happy doing what you're doing, then I'm happy for you. I love you little bro."

Matthew smiled back at his older brother, grateful that he was letting this go.

"Thanks Neal," he said. "I love you too! "


Rita stood outside the police department, waiting. She had very much enjoyed freaking her clients out using her gift. Now she was just waiting for them to deposit the money into her account. Once that happened she could act.

Her best and only lead, at the moment, was the cops. Her clients had told her that they had gone to the cops first, so it was more than likely that they had some sort of file on the missing son.

Whether they had any really information about the disappearance in the file was the question.
Of course it was highly unlikely that the police would just hand the file over to her, but that was no obstacle for her. She could easily sneak in, read the file, and sneak out without anyone even noticing that there was a break in.

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