Chapter 33

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2 months later ———————————
Dereks POV
3am. That's was the time I rolled over to hug Penelope only to find her waters have broken. I jolted awake and said rather loud babe. This prompted every single member of our team to enter our bedroom. Penelope was 1 week over her due date and the team wanted to help keep an eye. I packed some things with the lads whilst the ladies kept my wife calm enough. I'm finally going to meet my babies.

16 hours later —————————

Dereks POV
My princess came first.
Harley Jennifer Emily Morgan.
Making second was our first baby boy
Haden Carlos David Morgan.
And making it to the final our youngest
Hank Spencer Aaron Morgan.

No words can describe how I feel right now, we did my Queen. We brought these little munchkins in the world and they are beautiful absolutely adorable. Henry, Jack why don't you come and say hello to your cousins before your Mums coo and take over. They laugh and quietly come over to take a look. Can I hold Harley please Auntie Penelope I want to make sure I hold my baby sister just right when she arrives Henry said quite adorably. My queen smiled and said Of course you can. Henry sat down and everyone played there part in showing him just how to do it, but everyone became mesmerised by how Spencer took to the Dad role.

Henry, had hold of Harley and Spence. Well Spencer really took the dad Role. I mean it's not like he hadn't done it before, he treats Henry as if he was the reason he was created, but right here, right now. You realise how much these two have bonded. They look so sweet together, they look exactly like each other and suddenly it hit me, what if Henry was Spencer's Son. I always thought that night was a dream but look at them I mean apart from the fact that Henry has my hair colour they genuinely look like each other and I think everyone else sees it too because I'm getting that weirdest of looks. I'll be back soon guys and go out into the hall.

Sooooooo I did a thing, Henry may be Spencer's actual son. We'll see how that turns out in the next chapter. ❤️

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