Chapter 39

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Penelope's POV
The team were on the plane debriefing the case I had just given them. "4 kids missing in less than 12hrs. No bodies have been recovered yet nor any ransom note" I said looking at all of my children, it was hard doing these cases now knowing full well i could be in their place at a moment's notice. I let's out a shuddered breath. Hotch was the first to ask questions as per usual "Garcia is there any overlap in the kids?" He asked you could tell in the way he spoke he was thinking of his kids too.  I started typing away  looking a for a connection any connection but I couldn't find one "No sir but I will keep digging" I clicked off the call kissing the kids before asking Carlos to take them I didn't want them to see the horrors if any where to arise.

General POV
The team reviewed the case files coming up with theories with one another. "It has to be multiple Unsubs" Spencer spoke joined by Emily "At least a man and a woman, from the looks of these crime scenes-"Hotch interrupted before she could continue, "We're going to landing in California shortly. Reid,Prentiss you two are to go to the crime scenes. The rest of us we will set up at the precinct."

Emily's POV
As soon as we landed Reid and I went straight to the first crime scene. The first 24hrs are vital in a child abduction case and we've already lost 12hrs sometimes I wish kids were off limits but that's not how the world works. Spence snapped his fingers in front of my face "Em, Em" he said. "I'm sorry I got a little in my head there are we here?" I asked giving him the fakest smile I could muster. He nodded getting out the car and heading straight inside to meet the first of many terrified parents. I sent Spence to look around finding how the unsubs may have gotten in and out without alerting anyone. "Mr and Mrs Campbell, I'm Agent Prentiss, that is my partner Dr Reid may I ask you a few questions about your son, Jacob" they just nodded as they barely held onto each other. "Now Mrs Campbell I understand you are a lawyer in any of your recent cases has anyone made any threats?"

She looked at me her face stained with tears and her eyes bloodshot red "Agent Prentiss I'm a prosecutor I get threats almost everyday on every case. I could not tell you if any of them had the means to go through with their threats. Jacob is a 9yr old sweet little boy why would anyone hurt him."

David's POV
Once at the Precinct we introduced ourselves before heading to the space they had provided us to work out of. "Okay so what do we know?" I asked looking at the board with the 4 kids faces on it. Morgan was the first to talk after a short silence. "The victims, Jacob Campbell - 9yrs old. Layla Johnson - 7yrs old. Jamie Taylor - 10yrs old and Charlie Miller - 11yrs old. Each abducted from their homes between the hrs of 1-2am. From what Garcia has gathered there is no overlap that connects the children not school, doctors etc." I stared at the pictures on the board, "what about their parents is there anything that connects them?" I asked which Hotch immediately called Garcia asking her to delve into the parents see if there is anything that may connect them. "Check for any similar cases Garcia. I want to know if this is a one time thing or if they've done it before" i said knowing she was probably already looking into it "Yes boss" she replied in her goofy tone which put a small smile on my face."

Well hello everyone, apologies for taking so long to update. I hope you enjoy the new chapter and I will be updating again very soon. 💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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