Chapter 28

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Spencer POV
I woke up to a splitting headache. The last time I felt this time of pain I was hungover. I tried to move but quickly felt myself being restrained, I lifted my head up and noticed I was strapped down to some table. Ah fuck I thought to myself, who the hell is gonna find me down here.

Wills POV
Oh hey I said with such bitterness I could taste it. His head snapped in my direction and his eyes widened to knife I had twirling in my hands, I stared at him and said you know I had the most perfect life til you came along, you took my wife and you took my son. Now I'm going to take your life I think that's a fair price don't you? His phone began to rang and it was that son of a bitch Derek, I answered and began to say you're never gonna find him but I was cut off by the words if you even dare leave a mark on my brother I will find you and I will put you through so much pain you'll wish you where never born. I scoffed at his remark and said like you'll ever find me.

Dereks POV
Hotch had an idea. I was all up for it, I had to ring Spencer's phone in hopes of that bitch answering and he did. He began to talk but I cut him off mid sentence. If you even leave a mark on my brother I will find you and I put you  through so much pain and make you wish you were never born. He scoffed and said like you'll ever find me. I wanted to wrap my arms around his throat and stop all air reaching his lungs. Yes Will we will find you and I will put you in so much pain I hope you understand and that's when Garcia whispered we have a hit. You can bet your ass we will I finished before putting the phone down. I'm coming little brother and I'm gonna make sure you're safe.

Hope you all like ❤️

Family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora