Chapter 7: A Dragons Fire

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Bigby stands in the business office along with a shocked King Cole and Snow White, they look shocked while I sit on the chair next to King Cole's desk the tears still in my eyes.
"You can't just let him get away with this!" Bigby yelled to King Cole and Snow White, Snow looks at Cole for an answer.
"This is a delicate situation Bigby, yes he's done something very wrong but he does help the town a lot" Cole responded which seemed to enrage Bigby.
"He raped her! He forced her to have sex with him! Not to mention the illegal position of dragon root and blue oliander!" Bigby yelled once again, I feel myself become angry at Coles ignorance as well.
"King Cole he does have a point, the posesion Of dragon root and oliander is serious, we have a few dragons in fable town. As well as what he did to (Y/N)" Snow commented and Cole looked at her in anger.
"She took the undercover at her own risk Bigby, anything could have happened to her" Cole replied, at this point I had lost it.
"So it's fine to convict someone if they commit a crime unless they give you lots of money... in which case they walk away Scott free" I say and everyone turns and looked at me as if they had forgot I was here. I get up onto my feet and walk over to the three of them.
"If you won't do anything g about it I will... the next time I see him he's dead" I comment and everyone looks at me in shock.
"You can't be serious" Cole comments.
"Yes I am, he violated me and if he isn't going to be punished, he'll pay with his life" I comment and walk towards the door.
"Stop... I'll call him in, we will come up with something" Cole said, I stopped and turned to face him and gave him a slight nod.

A few hours later I hear the business office doors open and hear heavy footsteps coming towards the desks, I here a low growl come from Bigby as the fable walked closer towards us.
"Is something wrong King Cole?" Bluebeard asked when he reached us.
"Yes... there as been a rape allegation against you... as well as possession of illegal items" King Cole reply's and Bluebeard looked at me with an evil glare.
"I see, what exactly do you want then?" Bluebeard asked, everyone looks at each other until Bigby spoke.
"You raped a woman and expect everything to be okay!" He Hellas and everyone looks at him.
"Sheriff she's a dragon, not a woman, those horrid creatures are nothing but princess snatching viruses" he commented leaving everyone in shock. I began to feel my blood boil, I feel my eyes revert to their natural shape all blue with a slit of black, I feel my claws come out from my nails and my wings began sprouting from my back, my sharp teeth break through and my cheeks become lightly dotted with black scales.
"(Y/N) calm down please" Snow begged and she ran up towards me. I let out a loud roar causing everyone to cover their ears.
"How dare you" I growl and begin walking towards Bluebeard. I grab him by the throat and hold him in the air.
"You own use respect! Not all dragons are evil! If it wasn't for us your precious homelands wouldn't have existed in the first place!" I yell as I tighten my grip around d his neck.
"Please let him go!" Snow yells, Bigby does nothing but stand and watch and Cole did t have a clue what to do.
"I think it's about time you learned some respect" I comment calmly, I bring my clawed hand close to his face and in a quick slash I cut his face. I drop him to the ground and he cries out in pain. Three large deep gashes cover his face one going over his eye, the blood pours from his face and the pain unimaginable.
"Your fucking bitch!" He yells while clutching his face tightly attempting to stop the pain.
"That scar will make sure you never forget me and if I catch you hurting anyone every again I hurt more then just your face" I growl and he cries on the floor. I calm myself and my dragon features disappear and I become human once again.
"Miss (Y/L/N) that was uncalled for!" King Cole yelled as he walked over to me.
"He's lucky I only scared him, I have every right to kill him. Don't you remember the dragon code?" I ask smugly.
"This isn't the homelands!" He yells.
"Look, what's done is done, if (Y/N) is happy we can move on from this, we will keep him under watch for the next few months and we will remove the illegal dragon root and oliander" Bigby commented, I looked at him and nod happy with the fact I had scared this despicable creature with deadly dragon venom.
"Fine, but not a toe out of line" Cole comment and Bigby nods, we both leave the office. I take one last look and the shrilled crying man and smile before shutting the door.
"Sorry I couldn't do more, Cole is an ass, if it was up to me he'd be down the witching well" Bigby says as we walk back to his apartment.
"It's all good, dragon venom is enchanted, if he ever hurts someone again the venom will act and cause him immense pain" I reply and Bigby looks and me and smiles along with a chuckle.
"That's my deputy... I was wondering, would you like to go for dinner tonight?" Bigby asked, I look at him slightly confused.
"I'd love to be I have nothing to wear other then what I have on now" I comment and the wolf smiles and pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me.
"Go down to Cinderella's dress shop and get yourself something nice, my treat" he comment.
"Oh no I can't Bigby" I reply not wanting to take money from him.
"Please I insist, besides I'm loaded" He reply's with a d cocky smile and I laugh. I decided to go and have a look at the shop.

I walk into the shop and see lots of girls shopping, some where fables I recognise and some were Mundies. I walk over to the dresses and begin having a look around, I see a girl trying on a lovely white wedding gown and she didn't look to happy. I walk over and see she was alone.
"Are you okay?" I ask, the girl turns around, she is a white haired girl with a purple tattoo from her chest going down her arm.
"Yeah I'm fine" She comments coldly and still didn't look very happy.
"Are you sure you don't seem very happy" I comment and she looks and me coldly but then shows a sad expression.
"I'm getting married... and I was hoping to share this moment with my sister but she gone" the woman comments, I felt bad for her losing your sister can be hard.
"I know how you feel... my sister is still trapped in the homelands, I don't even know if she's alive" I reply and the girl looks at me and gives a slight smile.
"I'm Holly, nice to meet you" she says, I smile at her.
"(Y/N) nice to meet you to, you look lovely in that dress" I say and she smiles and looks at herself in the mirror.
"You really think so?" She asked and I nod yes.
"I don't have any female friends really, would you like to be my bridesmaid?" She asked, I'm a little shocked at the request.
"That would be lovely" I reply. I spend the next few house talking and shopping with Holly, turns out she was a troll and she's marrying a man names Grendel. I managed to find a dress for tonight and I soon found myself back home at the woodlands apartment building.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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