Chapter 4: First Day on the Job

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I walk into the office and I see Bigby sat there doing some paper work, he looks at me and smiles. I take me seat on the new desk in the room and I see a document and a file on my table. The file has a picture of a man with a blue beard on it and the document had my name on it.
"What are these?" I ask.
"The case file is your first assignment, and the document is for... personal things that's yours to read and sign" He replies and I look into the file. The man was called Bluebeard, I recognised his name as the mass murderer of his wives back in the homelands.
"I want you to show up to his club pretending to be looking for a job, I need to know if his business it clean. We haven't announced you as the sheriffs assistant yet so he has no idea who you are, as far as he's concerned your a shy new fable escaped from the homelands and your desperate for a job" Bigby tells me as he gives me  an outfit to wear, it was a skimpy red dress and matching heels. I nod and begging to get changed, I blush at the fact Bigby is watching me.
"You can't be nervous I've seen more then that" he comments with a slight laugh and I couldn't help but blush and smile.

Later that night I arrive at Bluebeard' night club, I see many gentlemen watching his girls dance and show off more of their bodies then I was comfortable with. I look around the room until I see the man I'm looking for, he sits at the back watching his girls and making sure everyone was paying. I swallow hard and hear Bigby in my ear.
"Don't be scared he won't hurt you" I breath and walk over to him.
"Hello are you Bluebeard?" I ask, he looks me up and down and smiles.
"Indeed, What can I do for you?" He asked, I look away nervously really trying to sell it to him.
"I've just come through the gate... I was told you could help me with a job" I say, his smile turns to a smirk and he stands to his feet.
"Of course darling, I'm in need of another girl, my other had recently had an accident and she won't be back" he says I smile and shake his hand. He take me into the back and shows me to the dressing room.
"Girls we have a new dancer, look after he won't you" he says as he slightly pushes me towards the girls.
"Hello, I'm Narissa, what's your name?" The ginger one in a white dress asked me.
"I'm (Y/N)" I reply and she smiles, she seemed rather friendly. I was given a costume the I found quite similar to that of little red riding hoods outfit, ironing I know. I then had to dance on the stage, I really had to sell this or the whole investigation would be over.
"Give it up for our new dancer" Bluebeard's voice sounds over the mic, I breath and walk into the stage to a crowd of men stealing at me. The song Round Round begins and I somewhat strut my way over to the pole, I begin sliding and grinding in the pole as if I had been doing this shit for years. I hear the men cheering as I begin pulling off articles of clothing, I finish by doing the splits down the pole and earned a cheer form all the men in the audience. I pick up all my clothes and make my way behind stage.
"You were amazing" I hear Narissa say, before I could reply Bluebeard walks in.
"That was really good, you can go far in this business, here's your pay for tonight" Bluebeard said as he handed me a stack of money, I took it and smiled at him as he left the back stage area.
"Keep the costume doll, it looks good on you" Narissa said and I picked up my bag and made my way out the door waving to her and the other girls.

I walked into Bigby's apartment closing the door quietly in case he was asleep, I walked quietly high heels in hand to my bedroom. Before I could reach the door I feel myself being pulled into another room.
"You look sexy in that" Bigby commented as he began kissing my neck.
"Why because I look like little red?" I ask trying to tease him, I spin round to meet his gaze.
"Are you gonna eat me Mr Wolf?" I ask in The same shy innocent voice I had used to fool Bluebeard earlier. His eyes begin to glow a bright amber as his hands move to my ass.
"Oh you have no idea (Y/N)" he says pulling me further into the room.

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