Chapter 9

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I took a seat at the bar. The tavern had closed just ten minutes ago, well at least I think so. It's been a really, really long day. Who knew that working as a freaking tavern waitress would be so troublesome.

Meliodas was washing cups, King was napping on his large green pillow. He looked comfortable, that makes one of us. And, of course, Ban is passed out drunk. His snoring rumbled throughout the Boar Hat. Outside, Diane is laying on the ground looking up at the sky. I guess she was mesmerized by the funny shapes of the clouds. Or she's fantasizing herself with the Captain. Who really knows?

Meliodas filled up a recently cleaned cup up with ale and leaned against the counter. He looked sorrowfully at the beverage before letting out a long sigh. I looked up at the blonde.

"You good, Captain?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He smirked.

I blinked out of confusion.

"You called me Captain. It's been a long time since I heard you call me that." He looked at me.

"What's that supposed to mean? I mean, you are the captain. Unless you want me to call you sir Meliodas." I mumbled in a mocking tone.

He had a devilish grin on his face.  "Unless you really want too."

"No way in hell!" I snapped.

Meliodas sighed. "I figured as much."

I sighed in annoyance. Is there any of these people that are normal? King isn't that bad, but he's too lazy. I guess that's why he's called the Grizzly Sin of Sloth. But he can do as much as .... Something. Wait ... What am I saying? None of these people are useful. Running a darn tavern for nothing more than a few extra coins. What is the purpose of this anyway? There has to be more than just running away from the Holy Knights of fucking Lioness.

What did these guys and giant woman really do to get on the kingdoms most wanted? And there are eight of us. I'm not sure what I did, but there has to be something more than treason if they kept me in a cold, dark cell with nothing more than a cloth to cover my beauty spots.

And who was that person who pushed me off the edge?

"(Y/n)?" Meliodas asked.

I snapped out of my deep thought and looked at him.

"Oh. It's nothing." I replied. Can I really trust these guys? They have saved me twice, more than enough to convince someone to trust them. But I am not a foolish, frail girl. Honestly I don't know who I am or where I came from. I only have this dagger from my so-called father gave me. It is beautiful, sure.  But I can't shake off this feeling that it is something more.

Meliodas sighed and offered a drink. I accepted it, but did nothing more than look down at the plum liquid. Ban fell out of his seat. The alcohol in my cup rippled. I glanced over at Ban and chuckled. He groaned loudly and stood up to his feet.

"What day is it?" Ban asked sleepily.

"The twenty-eighth day of the Summer season." I replied cheekily.

Ban sighed and frowned at his empty cup. He looked up at me back down to the cup. He picked up the cup and moved swiftly past me.

"Didn't you have enough? You are as drunk as a boar." I asked.

"Hey!" Hawk squealed. "I ain't no drunk."

I punched Hawk on top of the head. He squealed loudly and ran out the door.

"Yeesh. I didn't hit him that hard." I chuckled.

Hawk is so over dramatic.


I walk through the town with Elizabeth. We are gathering customers for the Boar's Hat. The last time I did this, we ran into a Holy Knight and went to the Necropolis. I wonder what would happen this time.

Run into another Sin...

Get arrested by a Holy Knight...

Get raped...






And I'm over thinking again...


"How did you meet the Captain, Elizabeth?" I asked in order to stop thinking about the absolute worst that could happen today.

"Well, you see, I'm on a quest to find the Eight Deadly Sins. The Holy Knights overthrown Liones and arrested my Father. I don't believe that the Eight Deadly Sins are bad people. I believe that they are the only ones who can stop the Holy Knights..."

She really believed that we aren't bad people? From what Meliodas, Ban, and Diane told me, the Sins were convicted of treason and were forced into hiding. Does this girl even know what treason is?

"What if we can't stop them? It's eight people verses an entire army. It's impossible-"

"I don't care!" Elizabeth interrupted, "They have to. It's the only way. I don't care if it sounds crazy. The Eight Deadly Sins are stronger than any of the Holy Knights."

Guila seemed stronger than your average Holy Knight, and she's just an apprentice.

"You're so naive." I told her and looked at the tavern uniform I'm wearing. I hate it so very much. It's way too revealing. Ban couldn't look at me this morning.  Guess he was blushing or something like that. I want to go back to wearing my (f/c) dress. But Meliodas thought it would be appropriate for me to wear this since I am working in the tavern.

A pack of Holy Knights come through the streets. I grab Elizabeth's wrist and pulled her behind a bush. I looked through the branches until the knights pasted. A young man with leafy green hair looked at us.

"Are you wanted by the kingdom as well?" he asked us.

"I uh... We-" I stammered and a wanted poster flew in the wind. The man caught it and examined it. I peaked over his shoulder to look at it. It had Elizabeth's picture on it. I chuckled nervously and slowly backed away. He looked up from the paper and tossed it to the side.

"Don't worry. I don't care about that. I'm on the run as well." he told us.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Something about him seems vaguely familiar. Yet again. I don't recognize him at all. Is he on our side?

"(Y/n), we have to continue our job." Elizabeth reminded me.

"Not yet."I turn to the man, "who are you?"

"I am a friendly bystander. Sparkle!"

I give a dumbstruck expression.

"(Y/n)," Elizabeth motioned towards the streets. I sighed and we continue on with our job.

"(Y/n) ..." the green haired man says quietly to himself. His golden eyes walked us from behind the bush. He chuckled quietly and pushed up on his glasses.

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