chapter 1

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I laid on the ground, my ears rang louder than the clanging armour hitting the ground. People riot throughout the streets, their shouts echoed in my ears.

I tried to sit up, but that made my dizziness worsen. Not to mention the shooting pain in my ribs. I laid myself back down and closed my eyes. My breath was uneasy, and coughed every few breaths.

W-What happened? The last thing I remember was-- I don't remember....

"(y/n)!" I heard someone shout, but it was too much of an echo to make out who was shouting. My eyes opened up, but my vision was unclear. I could make out seven figures in front of me, each of them was a different size and the full-body armor was a different color.

Who are they? I asked myself.

"Stay with me, (y/n)!" I heard a  familiar voice shout. My head spun to the source of the voice,  a tall guy wearing red armor. I can't make out any of the details.

"W-who? Ngh" I struggled to say and intense ringing came to my head. I coughed violently and a gasp is heard.

"(y/n)?!" he shouts and tried to pick me up but was stopped by a small dude in brown armor. He shook his head which made the red guy angry. Multiple of my bone's were fractured when I. . . when I. . . what did I do exactly?

"There they are!"

"Get the traitors!"

"Ban, we have to go!" The small dude demanded.

"Damn it!" he shouted, then looked at me once more. Even though I can't see his face, I know that he wanted to stay by my side, but he also doesn't want to disobey the midget. My head started to become light. The last thing I seen was the people leaving but one stayed by my side. It was the dude in red.

* * * MANY YEARS LATER * * *

I looked at the single light that showed in the pitch black, damp, and smelly room. I had a my arms chained to the wall so tightly that I can't move an inch. It's literal hell when I had an itch. I chewed on the rag in my mouth since I'm bored as hell and there isn't anything else to do.

Man this is boring. I thought to myself and imagined myself in the outdoor but only drawn a blank. Damn it, why can't I remember what happened outside this place? There's no way I've been in here all my life.

I started to hum. Even though my throat is dry and scratchy, I wanted to do at least something to fight the boredom. It's not like I can stand here and twiddle my thumbs.

"Hey, what's that sound coming from?" A woman with silver hair asked the guard outside my cell door.

"I think it's the prisoner, she's singing." he says.

"After all we did to her, she still has the guts to sing in here?" She says with discrete in her voice.

"What should I do, Lord Jericho?"

"Forg-" She was interrupted by three guards approaching. She turned to them and shouts, "What?"

"Lord Jericho, the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas and Serphant Sin, Diane are coming!"

"Get as many men as possible, make sure he doesn't escape." Jericho demanded.

A loud clang was heard as the prison door next to me was broken down. A man with long shaggy white hair and long beard strolled towards Jericho and the guards. His hands where in his holy purple skinny jeans. Jericho turned her head to him.

"What are you doing outside of your cell?" she asked.

"Eh?" That voice... "That dump? I heard something interesting, they told me that the cap'n was alive."

That voice sounds oddly familiar. . .

"Your captain will die before he takes a step inside this prison. At the moment the seven deadly sins will fight until they draw their last breath."

"Oh, I won't count of that. You see, the cap'n will win. Nothing can defeat him." he says and came closer to Jericho.

"I won't count on that. There's way you are going to escape this place. Dead or Alive." She said and looked at the guards, "go, tell Golgious that a prisoner escaped and Lord Jericho has no choice but to kill him."

"Yes ma'am!" Both guards said in unison and ranoff together.

Jericho and Ban faced off with each other until Jericho put her hand on her sword and charged at him. He made defeat like noises but Jericho missed him and cut his hair instead. He looked at the white hair on the ground and chuckled.

"Hey, nice job. You could be a Barbour. But I think you cut it a little too short." he said, feeling his freshly shaved face. Jericho got aggravated and charged at him once again.

I wanted to shout at him so he knows that I'm in here, but this rag in my mouth is keeping me from doing just that. Dang, I hate being left in the dark. . . literally speaking.

After what felt like hours of fighting, the place went silent. I tried to shout at this person but he can't hear me through this metal door and the large room. I looked to the ground and a tear drop splashed on the wet floor.

The next thing i know, a booming noise erupted from the silence. The sound kept getting louder and louder. My eyes glanced forward and the next thing a know, a small blondie comes crashing into my cell and landed right at my feet. He jumped to his feet and looked at the walls that he had just destroyed moments ago.

"Hey, me next!" I heard someone shout. The blondie started forward to the hole he just emerged from.

"Fef!" I manage to scream through the rag. He stopped and looked back, his grassy green eyes widened.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled and ran towards me, embracing me in his arms. His voice didn't match the one who was fighting outside my cell, but that didn't matter. Who knows, he could be dead by now.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Huh?" he says with his head cocked to the side just as a 6'11 man appeared in the newly made hole in my cell.

"Hey, cap'n didn't you-" he glances over to me and froze in his step, eyes wide and jaw dropped. He looked away and said, "Cap'n tell me I'm dreaming."


"Than tell me that girl isn't (Y/N)!" he shouted and pointed at me. I narrowed my eyes at him then realized that's the voice that was just fighting. I formed a smile.

"It's really her. But I can say that I never seen her with this much still showing." he stared at me with his hand on his chin. He looked up and down as if examining me. (You probably know who's talking.)

"Cap'n!" He shouted and punched the blondie on the head, sending him across the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can ANY OF YOU UNCHAIN ME?" 

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