chapter 6

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Ban carried me on his back throughout the Necropolis. My arms rested on his shoulders, and my head was beside his. I felt like I've done this before. Many times actually. 

My mind can't stop repeating what Ban had said earlier: I'm sorry you got your fangs removed! 

What does he mean? Fangs? I had fangs? I have so many questions to why he would say that. There's so many races and clans out there, well I know about two of them. The humans, and the giant clan. I don't know any other, but I'm sure there's more. Ban mentioned a girl he knows, one of a race that's no longer around.

The vampires. 

 Word says that the demon race drove them extinct. Some say that a few still lurk in the shadows, looking for the slightest taste in blood. There's even fables about them. Stating that they live for the taste of human blood. And they multiply by letting their venom take course in the victim's blood stream. Well, of course, those are just stories. 

But if what Ban says is true and I did indeed I had fangs. There could be two possibilities: I am a vampire of the shadows, or I'm a mutant. Then there's the third possibility that I am a human with two very large teeth. No, scratch that third one. 

Or maybe I'm just thinking too hard. 

Ban peered around the corner and his eyes are met up with a girl with short blonde hair, she worn a white dress, and her eyes are golden brown. He froze in his step, as he was face to face with his deceased lover. 

I looked at Ban then ahead. My eyes didn't see anything just more green pillars of quartz. But I didn't ignore the fact that Ban looks like he seen a ghost. 

"E-Elaine?" Ban asked. He took a step back.

Elaine. I heard that name before, but where? I thought. 

"Ban, who is that girl? The one on your back. Who is she?" 

"Elaine, I can explain." He replied. I looked at him confused. Is he really talking to himself? That doesn't seem like something he would do. But, you know, I haven't known him for very long so this could be a secret side of him. 

"Are you replacing me?" Tears welded up in her eyes. Elaine's pale hands covered her face as she began to cry.  Ban reached out to her, she quickly turned around and flew away. 

"Elaine, wait!" Ban pleaded. He cursed under his breath, and began to follow her. From all the jolting about, my back started aching. My hand tighten and I moaned under my breath. Ban's red eyes peered at me, then back to where he was going. He was clearly more determined to find a ghost. 

"Ban, Ban please stop." I quivered. My white dress was soaked in blood, and my face was paler than usual. Ban slowed down and set me on the ground. I leaned up against the pillar and sank to my knees. My body was too weak to stand on its own. 

"Arg, damn it!" Ban cursed. 

"B-Ban, n-no need t-to-" I began to say then a giant spear impaled Ban's chest. It seems as time slowed down as Ban's eyes widened and choked out blood. He slide across the quartz, blood flowing out the hole in his chest. 

"Ban!" I tried to scream, but it ended up a whisper.

His shocked face turning into a smirk, and he whipped the blood off his chin with his sleeve. His eyes are directed above me to the same boy from before. The one with short, auburn hair. 

"Hey, Ban." He greeted and retracted the spear from Ban's chest.

I fought the dizziness that's trying to take over. I need to see this. My body said other wise. My head dropped between my knees, and my eyes slowly closed as i dove into the tunnel of darkness. 


I opened my eyes and found myself in a white room. There was nothing in the room but a door on the opposite side of the room. I stood to my feet, and like I was moving on my own, I took a step towards the door. But with each step I took, the door was the same distance away from me. It was as if I walking in place. 

Something warm came to my feet. My eyes drifted to the ground. My knees felt weak from the sight. Bright crimson squished between my toes. I looked behind me and found a body laying on the ground. The body was dark, but it has two distinctive features: the body belongs to a tall male, and has spiky hair.

A dark figure grew standing above the man. Her red eyes were shimmering in the dark, her teeth were as sharp as a double edge sword. She bit into the mans's neck, drinking until there was nothing left circulating in his blood steam. 

"No," I muttered, and cupped my hand over my mouth.  

The figure straightened and she slowly came to me. Her crimson eyes stared into my (e/c) ones. She held out her dark hand to me. I refused to take it.  

"Wake up, (y/n)," She demands. 


"Come on, wake up (y/n)." 

My eyes opened up. My eyes met the bright green eyes above me. I blinked twice then sat up quickly. 

"She's awake!" The captain cheered. 

Confusion took over my mind. I thought I was in the Necropolis, but now I was met up in the real world. I see trees, not quartz. People, not ghost. And everyone's here, except for Ban.

I stood up. My white dress was gone and bandages covered my entire upper body. My cheeks heat up, the only one that can do my bandages is Ban or Meliodas. Who was it?

Of yeah, I forgot about Elizabeth. I could be her as well. 

If I found out it was one of the boys that did this, I will be sure they regret not letting me bleed to death. 

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