"Zayn!" I called out behind him, goosebumps arising on my skin from the cold weather. He didn't bother turning around, his stare fixed ahead and his goal set on avoiding any type of contact with me.

"Please wait!" I said as loud as I could. A group of girls that were walking by started giggling quietly, probably thinking that I was a pathetic girl chasing after some boy. My heart shrank inside my chest, and I stopped dead in my tracks, watching as he kept moving further.

His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his brown coat that reached to his knees, his black boots hitting rapidly across the sidewalk. I couldn't see the front of his face, but I had already pictured it; tense and aroused with anger.

I let out a breath, a cloud of cold air coming out of my mouth. I shut my eyes, my cheeks turning pink from the cold. I didn't know what I should do. My heart had almost stopped beating and my eyes were holding back many tears. But I had to fix this. It takes a mess to fix one.

I walked normally behind him, trying to catch up. I blew on my hands to keep them warm, conducting many plans for when I finally catch up to him. He probably heard my footsteps when I arrived near him because he walked faster, but I ran after him at this point.

God he could be such a bastard at times.

I grabbed his arm and spun him around, looking at him dead in the eye. He tried to squirm out of my grasp but I would never let go that easily. Not of him.

"Stop it," he said below a whisper.

"What do you want?" I asked him, unable to hold back the tears that were now coming out of my eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did last night. I did want to leave with you Zayn, I was just overwhelmed."

He looked at me, his eyes not softening one bit. His lips had gotten dark pink and his nose was red, but his eyes became a darker brown color. I know he's mad at me, but he can't be like this forever.

"Kat, go back home. We'll talk there," he ordered, taking his arm out of my grasp.

"But we won't talk there," I said quietly, "just please try and listen."

He exhaled a breath, annoyed and not acting like the Zayn I knew. "I listened to everything Kat, what more do you want me to listen to?"

"Please stop it," I cried quietly, hoping people weren't listening to us. We were on the sidewalk in the middle of everything. "You're being really mean."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "me? I'm mean?" He tried really hard to keep his voice down. "You're the one who ruined everything yesterday, Kat. You're the one who lied to me and told me that you never wanted to runaway with me. You're the one who broke my heart, Kat."

I glared at him, "I didn't mean it."

"Of course you didn't," he threw his hands in the air sarcastically. "You never fucking do. I gave you everything I ever had Kat, and all you did was want to go back."

"I didn't want to, Zayn!" I yelled, people looking at us now. "I think you're forgetting that people say things they don't mean to when they're angry."

"Oh come on Kat-"

"I forgave you for breaking my heart once," I whispered, my heart shrinking, "can't you forgive me too?"

He looked at me, his eyes softening. He looked past me and around everywhere for a while before his eyes finally landed back on me. He exhaled and said, "I think you should go home."

"Damn right I will," I spat at him. "I love you a lot Zayn, but even I have my limits."

I turned to walk away from him, angry with everything that was going on. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to where I was standing.

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now