5th Character

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I like being part of things don't judge. Also viewer discretion is advised in this character details may be too graphic for some users. No seriously read at your own risk 

 No seriously read at your own risk 

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Name: Eric Mace

Age: 20

Appearance(picture is fine): In pictures

Personality: This man the type of cunning person who can make friends with you and then swiftly break your neck without you even realizing it. He is basically insane and doesn't care much for human life and tends to do lots of experiments. He does have weaknesses and is in fact easily defeated in combat but once that person leaves him alone he immediately tries to make a run for it or will turn into someone to confuse you momentarily. If you try to reason with him all you'll get back is him suggesting why anything matters, in other words, watch out for him because he be a crazy boi

Magic: Weapons requip and Transformation

Guild: None

Mark Color and Placement: Zero zip zilch

Pets: no time for them

Weapons: his requip magic

Exceed(if wanted): dead

Family: also dead

History: As a child, he was born without pain receptors, both physically and emotionally, his parents found and exceed egg and hatched it for him in hopes that he would stop ripping apart his stuffed animals and putting them together again but on different bodies. This, however, was not the case as he only wanted to experiment on the poor creature at the age of 7. On his 8th birthday, he tried to see if he could take the wings of an exceed and put it on another living creature. This did not work out because his 'subject' kept flying out of reach. He eventually gave up and pretended to enjoy the company of the exceed until the age of 12 which is where is life began to spiral downwards even more. His father wasn't making money and his mother stayed at home to watch their kid. Eric began drawing gruesome pictures of things he wanted to do to people and his mother couldn't help but cry which only confused Eric. One day when his mother and father were out on their honeymoon Eric gathered all of the alcoholic drinks that were in the house he put them into one big container and let it sit. After that, he had his exceed, Bengimen, take him into town. Fearing for his life the cat did as was asked for him. Once in town, Eric brought home a lovely young girl his age after charming the girl's mother with his adorable face and eyes. The girl wanted to know what they were going to do but he just knocked her out along with his exceed to find out if one could make another fly by forcefully taking their wings, this theory was not correct and Bengimen ended up bleeding out from his skin taken off of him. Eric was not fazed by this and just disposed of the body like he had other test subjects, the girl he had let go because he no longer had a use for her. Five days later his father asked him about the large barrel of alcohol and Eric only had grinned. After slight confusion, Eric forcefully made his father drink every last drop of alcohol. Unlike Canna, Eric's father was a normal human being without magic and couldn't hold an absurd amount of alcohol. So can you guess what happened? He died of alcohol poisoning and from his stomach rupturing from the insane amount of fluids. Devastated by this fact Eric's mother did not want to die by her own son's hands so she did what any sensible depressed person would do and hung herself. Once his family was dead Eric then set out to a life of his own packing all the food he could carry from his house. Now as a 20-year-old man his experiments have become much more in-depth and  much more gruesome and yet he has not evolved in the behavior of killing people (So, in short, he's basically Jack the Ripper but we know his identity)

Crush: none but open (God bless your soul if you want this boy((sorry if that's offensive to you)))

Password: The E.N.D is near

Can't believe I just did this at 1 in the morning RIP my eyes >.<

This character will be for request roleplays and if you would like to kill off a character or have them traumatized from torture or just have a good old fashioned fight with, idk you choose, but you will need to join an already posted chain(obviously and knowing that I will not go easy if joining) or ask. So please let me know if you want to roleplay with him until then he will have a chain open for anyone who wants to roleplay with him already

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