"Veritaserum." Hagrid nodded and Draco took the vial from him. Draco sighed and thought about it. Is this the level he will have to go for everyone who doesn't believe him? Draco looked at his new friends and sighed. He took off the lid to the vial and gulped. Hagrid saw he was about to take it and began to speak, but was cut off by Draco throwing his head back and consuming the potion. Hagrid stood there shocked and didn't know what to say. He was just expecting Draco to not take it, and yet he did. Hagrid sighed and sat down. Everyone was silent while they waited for Hagrid to speak.

"Well, what is your name?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"What Hogwarts house are you in?"


"Are you actually sorry for everything you have done to the people around you?"

"Yes." Hagrid smiled and laughed.

"I accept your apology, Draco. Now if anyone wants to ask him anything it'll last for another minute and a half." As soon as Hagrid said that Ophelia jumped up.

"Have you liked me for a long time?" Draco's eyes went wide, but he couldn't help but answer,


"How long?"

"Since the day I picked you up and spun you in your parent's garden." Ophelia blushed and smiled.

"Have you ever dated Pansy?"

"Hell no!" Everyone laughed and Hagrid spoke up.

"One minute." Ophelia racked her brain for questions.

"Was there ever a time that you wanted to give up on me because I probably wasn't reciprocating the feelings?" Draco gave a small smile.

"Never." Ophelia hugged him and sighed.

"Do you know that I love you?" Draco held her close and smiled.

"Now I do." Ophelia blushed and put her forehead on his.

"Do you love me?" Ophelia was still worried feelings weren't being reciprocated, and Draco seemed to notice.

"Over the moon and back." Ophelia's heart fluttered and Hagrid spoke again.

"Ten seconds." Ophelia thought of the most painful question she could have asked. She didn't know what and time was ticking before he wouldn't have to answer her.

"How many women have you slept with while being here?" Draco froze and didn't speak. By the time she had asked, the Veritaserum had worn off. Ophelia took a step backward.

"Draco?" Draco was sweating and looking like he was going to hyperventilate.

"Ophelia, if I were to answer that question, you need to promise that you won't hate me. I was single, and I was able to do whatever I liked. Do you understand that?" Draco had undone his tie, wiping the sweat from his brow. Draco knew Ophelia would be disappointed in him. He had played the game of ties with his friends since his fourth or fifth year. And he knew for a fact he needs to get rid of those ties before Ophelia finds them.

"Draco, how many women have you slept with?" Draco sighed and everyone had started making their way out.

"We're uh, just going to go. You two, have fun. Erm, yeah." Ronald said as the four Gryffindors ran from Hagrid's hut.

"Blimey is he screwed!" Ronald yelled as they ran across the grounds. Hermione yelled at Ronald to shut up and keep going. Hagrid sighed and stood from his chair.

"Now, listen up you two. Especially you, Ophelia. Draco was single, and ye two weren't goin' to the same school or datin'. Whatever Draco did is in te' past, and it's clear he loves ya. And Draco, it probably wasn't wise of you to do what ye did in the past, but no one can change it now can ye?" Hagrid tried to bring reason and Ophelia sighed. She was upset that she wouldn't be his first. Draco was upset because he didn't want Ophelia to leave him. He had finally found something worthwhile and he sure as hell wasn't letting it go.

"I'm sorry Draco. You don't have to answer that question." As much as it pained Ophelia to say that, she knew she would feel worse if he answered.

"Ophelia, you asked me a question. I should answer it."

"It would hurt me more if you answered it." Draco sighed and pulled Ophelia in for a hug.

"Well, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Ophelia let go a little to look at him. Hagrid knew where this was going and shooed them out of his house.

"Go on, ask her." Hagrid smiled at the couple and said one last thing before Draco asked her the most important question known to man.

"Now, ye both better get goin'. It'll be dark soon." The couple smiled at Hagrid. Draco now felt he owed Hagrid one, as he had just saved him from Ophelia's wrath, and he has never wanted to experience it. Draco nodded toward Hagrid and passed him a smile. Draco walked with Ophelia to the castle and stopped right before they entered. It was a beautiful sunset and Draco couldn't think of a more perfect time to ask Ophelia his question.

"Ophelia. I love you. And I don't want to lose you. Ophelia, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Draco was once again sweating. He was nervous that she would say no. Ophelia smiled and hugged him.

"Yes!" Draco picked Ophelia up and spun her around. When he placed her on the ground, Draco looked into her eyes and smiled at the pure happiness shown in hers. Ophelia couldn't believe it. The love of her life had asked her to be his girlfriend. She could now say she was the happiest girl in the world. The newfound couple looked at the sunset and sighed happily. Draco turned Ophelia toward him and held her chin in his hand. Draco smiled down at Ophelia and pulled her closer to him. Ophelia knew what was going to happen. Draco was going to kiss her. Their hearts were racing, and anticipation filled the air around them. They were both beyond excited to finally kiss the lips of the other. Both of them made their way closer to one another.

After what felt like an eternity, their lips finally met in a long, soft kiss. Where they were filled with love and happiness, a Slytherin girl was filled with jealousy and hatred.

Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now