My Doom

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      I followed Mr. Lazi, knowing my doom would come. I had been into Mr. Lazi' s office multiple times, but the consequences weren't so bad. We always called the school principal "Mr. Lazy," but he claimed it was pronounced Loh-zee. Whatever. As I followed Mr. Lazi into his office, I envisioned what would happen to me this time.
     His office was a mess, as usual. Bags of chips littered the floor, and bottles of Sprite were stacked up in the corner. I couldn't blame him. After all, it was just like her own room. Mr. Lazi sat down in his chair and motioned for me to sit too. Mr. Lazi leaned back and crossed one leg over the other lazily.
"So Leah, it has come to my attention that your grades aren't very high."
"No buts!" I took a deep breath. Maybe this visit to the principal's office was going to be different. I tried a different approach.
"Mr. Lazi-" He cut her off again.
"Save it. Listen. Since your grades were below average, your coach and I have decided that you are banned from basketball until your grades increase." I groaned miserably.
     "Raise your grades, and you're back in. I understand that you are the best player on your team, but school comes first," Mr. Lazi said.
"But there's going to be a game next Saturday!" Leah said, hoping to change Mr. Lazi' s mind.
"I'm sorry, Leah, but I cannot do anymore. It's up to your coach and your grades." Leah sighed. "Well, I guess I should go now," Leah said.
"Yes, I think you better," Mr. Lazi said, opening a bag of chips. I headed towards the door.
"Oh, Leah. One more thing: Tell that girl Brittany that she needs to be at the next cheer practice," Mr. Lazi said.
"Ok," Leah said, not even complaining. Leah walked step by step towards the door. She opened it, and was surprised to see a startled face staring back at her.
     It was Zoe Stephenson. The gossip girl. 
"Zoe, what are you doing?" she asked, clenching her teeth. Had Zoe heard everything?
"Um, hi Leah!" Zoe said, trying to sound cheerful.
"You heard everything, didn't you?"
"Um, not really," Zoe said. Zoe was lying. Leah knew it.
     "Zoe, if you dare tell anyone, you know what will happen," Leah growled.
"Ok," Zoe said, pretending to zip her lips. Hopefully, Leah's attempt to shut Zoe's mouth would work. If word got out, people would know Leah's grades.
"This must have been Brittany's plan from the start!" Leah muttered.
"Who? What? Why?" Zoe said suddenly.
"Oh, um, nothing," Leah lied.
     She walked swiftly past Zoe, and towards her locker. She found Andy waiting there.
"Leah, what happened?"
"Uh," Leah began. She didn't want to lie to her best friend.
"Oh, sorry," Andy said, suddenly noticing Leah's expression. Leah started to walk away, but Andy fell in step with her.
"Leah, tell me. I'm your best friend, and sharing it might help you," Andy said, trying to sound comforting. Leah told Andy what Mr. Lazi had told her.
"Oh. I'm so sorry, Leah." "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault," Leah said.
"But there's a game next Saturday! We need you! You're our best player!" Andy protested. Leah sniffled.
"I know. I only wish that the entire school would know what Brittany did," Leah said. She couldn't stop basketball. Ending basketball was her doom.

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