Chapter 9 ~ Graduation

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Keeleigh's POV ~

{About a year later}


I'd just graduated from Uni today, my parents had came to watch me get my degree. I told them I'd be going away for a while and that was all they needed to know.

When I walked out into the car park I didn't expect him to be there, never mind leaning against a shiny, red Ferrari! I beamed and broke into a run towards him. He smirked at me and stopped leaning against the car. I slammed into his torso and wrapped my arms around him so tight, I've really missed him. Nath kissed my cheek and took my graduation hat thingy off my head and looked at it before placing it on his. I laughed and kissed him. He kissed back softly "damn it's so hot that you've got a degree" he mumbles. I giggle and roll my eyes.

Nath opens the passenger door of the Ferrari "get in babe" he smiles. I grin at him and get in, he closes the door and goes round to the drivers side and gets in. He looks across at me and smirks, placing his hand on my leg making me forget how to breath for a second. He turns the car on and pulls out of the car park.

I smile at him "where we going?" I ask. He smirks as he strokes my leg with his free hand "on tour...", I look confused at him "but there's no UK tour on right now?!" He grins "I know! It's not in the UK!"

The Ferrari pulls up in front of a big house, there's a limo in the driveway waiting. I look at Nath "I haven't packed anything" he places his finger on my lips "your parents took care of it, I have your suitcase in the boot" I smile and kiss him. We get out and Nath takes my hand in his and links our fingers together.

We walk up to the big house and Nath opens the door, we go in "we're here" Nath calls into the huge house. Suddenly I hear the sound of running feet and I'm incased in 4 boyband member hugs, one after the other. Siva first, then Jay, then Tom and Max. I catch my breath after and laugh "nice to see you guys too. Mind not squeezing me to death next time?" I joke. They all laugh.

Nano appears around the corner, another of the boy's 'minders' so to speak. "Right guys, now we're all here. Let's get this show on the road!"

I look at Nath, he smiles at me and wraps an arm around my waist, I lean into his side and rest my head on his shoulder. I then notice Nareesha beside Seev and Kelsey next to Tom. It's the first time I've met them. I take my head off Nath and smile at them both, they smile back. It's good to have some female company I guess.

We go outside and get into the limo. The boy's album Word Of Mouth is playing out of the speakers inside it. I'm sitting next to Nath and I have Kelsey beside me, Tom is next to her, then Max. And on the other side of the seats there's Jay, Seev and Nareesha. Nano, Big Kev and Paul are in a car behind us.

The limo pulls up at the airport in front of a corridor of fans split apart by barriers. We get out. Seev and Nareesha go first and the fans scream their names at them as they sign stuff and take pictures. Jay gets out next and takes pictures with fans. Then Max, he signs some stuff and has a few pictures, making silly faces. Then Tom and Kelsey, the fans go mental for them!! I glance at Nath nervously, I'd quickly changed into a dress back at the house. "What if the fans hate me?" I ask. "They'll love you, just like I do" he reassures smiling at me.

We get out, he wraps an arm around my waist and waves to the fans. The fans scream louder than they did for anyone yet. Wow, okay then. We walk in between the barriers, Nath signs some stuff and takes pictures with a few fans. I smile politely at them all, got to make the fans like me. I don't know why I'm nervous, I used to be one of them. I still am.

We finally get inside and meet up with the boys, Nano and the others. I still don't have a clue where we're going. We walk through the airport to where the boy's private jet is waiting. We walk outside and climb the stairs up to the plane. I gasp as I look around the plane, it's so grand. Too bad it's gonna get wrecked by five boys.

Once we're all in and settled the plane takes off.


I must've fell asleep on the plane as woke up in Nath's arms on a couch. He smiles at me softly "time to get off" he points out the window and we've just landed. "Where are we?" I ask sleepily.

He smirks "New York, baby"


{A/N - I couldn't wait to get this chapter out to you guys :) Hope you like it! Please vote and comment!

- Bronnie xx

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