Chapter 3 ~ The bus

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We walk out the arena and there's a load of screaming fans trying to mob the boys. Nathan wraps his arm a little tighter on my waist pulling me closer to him and guides me to the bus. Jay does the same with Maddie in front of us. One fan grabs at me tearing me away from Nathan "get off him slut" she shouts. Nathan glares at the fan and pulls me close to him again "don't talk to her that way! She has every right to have this experience" he tells the rude fan. She frowns and shuts up. I smile at Nath and lean closer to him for comfort as we walk towards the bus.

Max leads us on to the bus. I get on and look around, there's five rather messy and unmade bunk beds. I glance over them all trying to guess who sleeps where. I can tell where Nath sleeps from the tea stains all over his sheets, slight giveaway. And Jay's bunk from his frog teddies even though it's Lizards he likes, now that doesn't figure.

We get lead into the very back of the bus which is separate from the rest of it, there's a snooker table in the middle, a couch and a Xbox at the side. Tom grabs a snooker stick and puts some chalk on the end with one of those special chalk cubes. All the guys copy him and Jay passes us a stick each "ever played Snooker before?" he asks. We shake our heads. He simply nods at us and smiles "Maddie come here" he beckons to her with his finger. She obeys and he stands behind her and helps her to hold the snooker stick and take a shot.

I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, it startles me at first "let me show you how to play" Nathan smiles at me. He helps me hold the stick and take a shot. It's alright but I could do better "good shot, for a beginner" he praises. We then watch as Max, Tom and Seev take their turns before Maddie and Jay have their go again and then it's Nath and I.

The game carries on like that for a while. Eventually Nathan and I win, he hugs me gently. I just melt in his arms, the dam feels. No I seriously can't... Please let me go, I might die. Nathan is about to let go of me, so I wrap my arms around him tighter. He holds me back tightly "ahem" Max is looking around awkwardly trying to look away from us. I blush and let go of Nath much to my disappointment. Max smirks "Nath, no canoodling the fans remember" he teases. Nath blushes, wait... he blushed, what?!

Nathan looks at me and smiles. Siva looks at his watch "I think the girls need to go. We need to get some sleep before we set off for the next venue" he smiled at Maddie and Me. Jay nods "come on then girls" he says softly as he and Nath escort us out. Luckily the screaming fans have gone now and the boys can take us back into the arena no problem. We say our goodbyes and hug both Jay and Nathan. I start to cry as Nath hugs me, he holds me closer "hey now, what's with the tears? Didn't you like tonight? We didn't do anything wrong did we?" he says softly.

I shake my head "I just wish it didn't have to end..."

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