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Disclaimer - I do not own any of the creative material associated with The Vampire Diaries or The Originals, nor will I ever. I own only this story, its OCs and alternative plot lines. All credit to the owners and, as for what is mine, hands and keyboards off.


Eve of the Sacrifice

The fact that the Salvatore house hadn't burnt to the ground since she last visited left Lana pleasantly surprised. It wasn't an unknown fact that trouble followed the brothers around the flies to shit. But that was just Lana's opinion. One not at all backed by past experience but who was she to make suggest wild accusations.

A quick locator spell had informed Lana that most of the mystic gang were conjugated inside the Salvatore boarding house; no doubt discussing their latest plan of infallible stupidity which would get everyone maimed or more likely murdered. But once again, who was she to judge?

So, with that thought in mind, Lana began mentally preparing herself for what she was about to face the very second turned off the ignition of her car. After all, there was only so much vampire arrogance she could handle without blowing said vampire's head up into tiny pieces. Lana jerked slightly in her seat. It was way to early too be that homicidal. And on that thought she quickly swung open the car door, exiting the vehicle before the temptation to speed out of the driveway overwhelmed her.

The sound of raised voices could be heard long before she reached the front door.

Scheming indeed, thought Lana.

Knowing that loitering wouldn't get her anywhere, Lana decided to open the door, brushing against her necklace as she did so. The volume of the arguing dramatically increased without the barrier of the door to muffle the sounds. Lana's presence went mostly unnoticed as she walked through the foyer into the main living area where the group had gathered.

The majority of the group were scattered amongst the room. Jeremy had positioned himself on one of the armchairs clutching his laptop in his hands. While Caroline and Matt were occupying the main sofa watching the fighting in front of them like a game of tennis; eyes bouncing from one side to the other. The main trio of the group were stood in the epicentre of the room. The oldest Salvatore was situated on one side with Elena on the other and Stefan in the middle. From what Lana could gather, Elena and Damon both had conflicting notions as to how they should all proceed with the plan while Stefan stood between them trying to calm them both. Ric, who usually played the voice of reason, was noticeably absent from the room. Even more surprising was Jenna's presence, though she was mostly pacing in the background nearer to the dining room than anything else. Still wanting to be involved but distancing herself at the same time.

It was her pacing which drew Lana's attention to the only stranger in the room. Dark hair and a handsome face wrapped in a formal suit. The man was the very definition of 'tall, dark and gorgeous'. Even while casually leaning against the back wall, he gave off a sense of aristocracy. But Lana could sense something more; he was a vampire, yes, but there was something more. Furthermore, he was also the only person to notice her entering the room.

As his eyes met hers, there was a flicker of something in his gaze. Surprise? No, he had definitely heard her arrival as he had already been looking at the door as she entered the room. Not an acknowledgement of the threat either. No tension in his posture at all, at least that Lana could she. So, what was it?

Such thoughts quickly fled Lana's mind as the shouting reached a higher decibel of loudness.

"No Damon. That's not what we're doing. If we try to kill Klaus before the ritual, then Bonnie will die!" shouted the usually soft-spoken Elena Gilbert.

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