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Madeleine Mantock as Lana Bennett

"Go ahead, underestimate me if you dare

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"Go ahead, underestimate me if you dare."

"First I drink coffee. Then, I do the magical things."

"Mother always said to steer of charming men, but I've never really been one for doing as I'm told."


Nathaniel Buzolic as Kol Mikaelson

"I have stood  for a thousand  years and have not faltered;

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"I have stood  for a thousand  years and have not faltered;

the day I met you, my legs shook."

"I would kill for you. But then again, I like killing."

"Lets cause a little trouble, darling."


The Vampire Diaries and the Originals cast as their respected roles

The Vampire Diaries and the Originals cast as their respected roles

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Untameable Souls ~ Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now