Looks Can Be Deceiving

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Only their moment had come and gone. The door to the inn opened and entered a group making everyone stop all conversations.

The men wore Lannister red, an unwelcome color in any part of the North. Every northern looking at them with distaste.

"We don't want any trouble. And any color associated with the Lannisters bring it. I suggest you turn around and walk out that door." The man who owned the inn spoke hinting the tension in the air.

The men shifted to look around the room. Their orders were clear but their ability to canvas inns in the North were limited. They just needed some hint, some form of gossip to lead them.

The Lannister men glanced at one another before going to head to the exist. If only the North men hadn't had too much ale in their system. The group simply wanting to continue their journey might've done so without much problem.

"They shouldn't be allowed to leave with their heads. Not after all that they had done." One man stated blocking their path. Coincidentally beside the table of the missing queen.

"We could send a message for the old lion. Make it known that Lannister red isn't welcome in these parts." Another added stepping up to assist his friend.

The Lannister men were ready for any encounter and held their weapons awaiting any move. Until one glanced at the table beside him. Their hoods up concealing their identities but that didn't stop his gaze from catching a significant clue.

A sword strapped to the waist of one with a distinct handle. A black bear could be seen as he also took notice of the delicate hands the person had.

News of Winterfell had spread rapidly throughout Westeros, but it also included the fact that the queen was nowhere to be found. Their orders from Tywin was to find any indication of the Northern Queen. Having her in their possession would be a major turning point for them. He tapped his friend in front of him before pointing out his discovery, but his action didn't go unnoticed.

Strider had his eye watching them closely and tense when he looked at Jaidyn. But his reason for being on edge was justified, when the man tried to hurry and reach for Jaidyn. The ranger didn't waste a second throwing the table forward blocking anyone's path to Jaidyn.

Jaidyn was quick to register the danger that had unraveled in a matter of seconds. She drew her sword and backed up. The boys that were with them doing the same and taking a stance in front of her.

The Lannister men drew their weapons as the two faced off. Everyone in the inn watching the scene in bewilderment.

"Jaidyn of House Mormont, come with us and nothing with happen to you or your company." One of the men spoke thinking stating their standing would make her comply. But in fact it did the opposite once the North men realized who they were trying to take.

"If you want to take the Queen of the North, then you're gonna have to fight for her." One of the men spoke taking a spot in front of one of the boys.

The others followed suit and drew their weapons ready to face the unwelcome party. Both groups staring one another down before one of the Lannisters charged forward. His attack blocked but it was all that was needed to initiate the fight.

Swords clashed and blood was spilled. Anyone who wasn't apart of the fight screamed and tried to move from the bloodshed.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora