Foreign Exchange Students

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"Glorificous?" she demanded, sounding scandalized. "How on earth did she qualify for this program?!"

But before either Ron or Harry could've told her off, Dumbledore tapped his glass for a third time. While Glinda took a seat in a chair sitting at the end of the staff's table, Dumbledore announced the second and final foreign exchange student. Once again, the door behind the table swung open, but no one came out. There was a moment of awkward silence as the door remained open, but no one coming out.

"Will the second and final foreign exchange student please make her way out to the dining hall?" Dumbledore asked, voice as soft and gentle as a cloud. But even with a coaxing like that, no one emerged from the door.

"Oh! Elphie!" because the dining hall was so quiet, everyone heard Glinda's sigh of annoyance. She hopped up at once before vanishing through the door. Right before she was totally inside, however, she turned around to address the crowd of waiting students.

"Just give us a sec, ok? Thanks!" she sing-songed, then she pulled the door shut after herself and it closed with a nice little bang.

Three more minutes of awkward silence passed and, at long last, the door opened again. Glinda bounced out first, beaming from ear to ear. She took her seat once again and that was when, finally, slowly but surely, the second witch made her appearance.

"Blood Hell!"


"Merlin's beard!"

All around the dining hall, a slew of gasps and whispered curses were uttered when the mysterious second student finally made her appearance. From the staff to the students, everyone began to whisper and marvel. This was because, although the new student was completely covered up from foot to neck, she was unable to hide her face, which revealed her bright green skin.

"What d'you think made her look that way?" Ron asked, sounding a bit astounded and a bit disgusted. Harry could only shrug and shake his head. He would've wondered if his eyes or glasses were failing him, had the rest of the dining hall not started to gasp and whisper in shock. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see Hermione staring at the green witch with a slack jaw. Even she seemed to be at a loss for this phenomenon. But that was when the green girl began her own introduction, which was far less gentle and fluffy than Glinda's had been.

"What?" she asked sarcastically. "What are you all looking? Oh! Do I have something in my teeth?!"

"Elphie!" once again, off to the side, Glinda snapped her friend's name, but it was too late, she was on a roll.

"Ok! Let's get this over with!" she snarled. "My name is Elphaba Thropp, no, I'm not seasick, yes, I've always been green, no, I didn't chew grass as a child!" Glinda rolled her eyes with a tired sigh while everyone else could only gawk. Only Dumbledore was smiling.

"Well, Ms. Elphaba, that was a lovely introduction!" he said and Elphaba looked completely caught off guard. This was because she had not expected anyone to compliment her at all. She could see the way the staff all gasped and gawked when she finally made her "grand" entrance! But not Dumbledore, there was a note of sincerity, acceptance and understanding in his voice that could not be faked. It was enough to quiet Elphaba back down some. She gave a short nod of her head before thanking Dumbledore with a smile that only he caught. Then she took her place right beside Glinda. She received weak, half-hearted applauses as she took her seat.

The rest of dinner passed awkwardly, everyone in the entire room constantly sneaking peeks at the bizarre and surly green witch. The only two people in the entire hall that weren't constantly gaping or gasping were Dumbledore and Glinda, Dumbledore locked in conversation with McGonagall while Glinda was locked in conversation with Elphaba herself, who looked quite uncomfortable with it all.

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