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AN: I'm dedicating this entire anthology to elphiegranger2508. Thank you so much for all of your reads, reviews and votes! I really do appreciate it! You're the best!!

A young Elphaba took a reluctant, young Galinda out to her secret Quidditch pitch in the hopes of teaching her how to play the game.

"Do we really have to?" Galinda whined as Elphaba dragged her along under the cover of darkness.

"Yes! You promised!" Elphaba replied. For once, she was not swayed by her friend's pitiful pleas or whimpers. "You promised that if you could give me a makeover, I could give you a Quidditch lesson!" she reminded, and Galinda was forced to concur.

Once the duo reached the pitch, Elphaba brought Galinda over to a particularly large shrub where she had hidden two broomsticks and the four Quidditch balls. She wasted no time in explaining the rules to Galinda and as soon as she was finished, she all but dragged Galinda into the air by the ear. Galinda had to physically shove Elphaba off of her in order to fly properly.

"I have been on a broom before you know!" she pouted, but Elphaba didn't hear her, already too busy doing loop-de-loops to notice.

A few minutes later, their little game began. Because it was only the two of them, however, a few of the rules had to be modified. In their first round, their little Snitch was not used at all, and it was solely them, a Quaffle and the two Bludgers. What made the game difficult when played like that was that each girl had to try and defend herself from a Bludger while also trying to keep the Quaffle and get it through the enemy "goal post", which was really just a fork in a tree. It was during that first little match of trying to protect herself and her goal from the Bludgers and Elphaba that Galinda thanked Merlin that Elphaba had made these Bludgers nothing but a ball of enchanted sticks and leaves. Only being little children, barely the age of eight, neither of them had access to a real set of Quidditch balls. Because of that, they were improvising.

Elphaba managed to win that first match, and the next few after that. Finally, though, she dared to add in their little Golden Snitch.

"You ready?!" Elphaba sounded like she was about to burst from excitement.

"I guess," Galinda sounded like she wanted nothing more than to go to bed. Although Qudditch had been kind of fun, it really was late and Galinda was tired! Besides, Elphaba kept beating her. It wasn't exactly fun to play like six consecutive matches and lose every single one.

"Alright! Cover your eyes!" Elphaba commanded. Although this was not a real rule of Quidditch, she was adding it in so that neither she nor Galinda would know where the Snitch went. Galinda obeyed Elphaba's command and, once both of their eyes were shut and covered, Elphaba tossed their little Snitch up into the air. After counting down from 10, both pairs of eyes opened and began to scan the moonlit horizon for the Snitch. Faster than the blink of an eye, Elphaba suddenly yanked her broom upward. Galinda needed no other indication to know that Elphaba had spotted the Snitch. Embarrassed, but lacking any other formal plan, Galinda veered right up after Elphaba and kept hot on her trail.

After what felt like an eternity of seeking and then losing and then seeking again, Elphaba and Galinda finally both noticed their Golden Snitch hovering towards the lower end of their secret little Quidditch pitch. The two of them exchanged one look before both of them shot after that little glowing ball, both of them fighting hard to go faster than the other. It was intense three and a half seconds as both Elphaba and Galinda hunched over their brooms and urged them onward, shooting at the ground with an alarming speed. The Snitch continued to idle there, as if unaware of the two young girls narrowing down in on it. At last, though, Elphaba retreated. After getting too close to the ground, she pulled out of her nosedive at the last second. Galinda, however, kept on. Foolish and dangerous as that type of stunt was, she was so tired of being beaten and battered about like the leaf in a windstorm that she dared to deepen her nosedive and keep on going. Her bravery and risk-taking paid off a quarter of a second later when she suddenly, sharply, turned back upward from her nosedive, the Golden Snitch clasped tightly in her hands.

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