Late Night Date Night

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"Come on, Glinda, this way!" Elphaba whispered as she led Glinda across the moonlit campus of Hogwarts.

"Elphie! Where in Merlin's name are we going?!" the Slytherin clung to the Gryffindor. "I thought you were just going to show me something!"

"I am, but it's out here."

"I wish you'd told me sooner!"

"If I'd said it was outside, would you have come?"

"Well, we aren't supposed to be out this late anyway!"

"Oh, psssh, we won't get caught!"

"You sound awfully confident."

"I am!"

Glinda sighed and rolled her eyes. Classic Elphaba. Classic Gryffindor. She had no doubt Elphaba really did have everything under control, but it was so late! Glinda wanted to be curled up in her nice warm bed right now, not running across the campus! But she'd let Elphaba sucker her into a little late-night escapade by promising that it would like a late-night date-night. Knowing exactly what a hopeless romantic Glinda was, Elphaba had been clever in how she worded her little plan, and like an idiot, Glinda fell for it hook, line and sinker.

"Guess this is why I'm not in Ravenclaw!" Glinda whispered tiredly to herself. Though she was ashamed to say she hadn't even displayed the cunning Slytherin traits that should've helped her sniff out Elphaba's little plan much sooner. If anything, Elphaba had acted like the Slytherin, so cunning in how she lured Glinda out. And she definitely had the "certain disregard for the rules" down pat.

But after long enough, Elphaba finally slowed down.

"Merlin's beard, we're far out!" Glinda muttered. She hadn't realized what distance stood between her and Hogwarts until she noticed Hagrid's hut on the horizon. They weren't going to visit him, were they? Because that didn't really scream "romantic" to Glinda...

"Just a bit more," Elphaba promised, then she took a hard right. So they weren't going to Hagrid's. But then... where on earth were they going?

Well, as Glinda would come to see, there was a small clearing near the edge of one of the many forests that surrounded Hogwarts. Several Hippogriffs were sleeping in one of these clearings.

"You aren't going to wake them up, are you?!" Glinda sounded alarmed. That would be suicide!

"No, there's one already awake," Elphaba replied, then she gestured about 30 feet to the right of the Hippogriff herd. Sure enough, a very large and ferocious-looking Hippogriff stood, wide awake.

Glinda cringed. Even though she was starting to realize what Elphaba's little plan was, she didn't want to accept it just yet...

"Don't be nervous!" Elphaba said cheerfully. "She's scarier than she looks."

"That makes two of you, huh?" Glinda managed to deadpan through her fear. Elphaba actually laughed at her joke, genuinely pleased with the wit Glinda had just displayed. The sound of her warm, hearty laugh helped Glinda calm down, and just for a second, she forgot why she was scared.

But as soon as she found herself looking into the large, fierce amber eyes of the massive Hippogriff, she remembered.

"Ummm... Elphie?"

"Just remember what Hagrid said!" Elphaba smiled encouragingly.

"And that was...?" Glinda's mind had drawn a total blank.

"Merlin's beard, Glinda!" Elphaba's happy tone switched to dismay. "Don't you pay attention in any of our classes?!"

"Hey, I'm not the animal person here, that's you!" Glinda shot back, but she didn't dare take her eyes off the Hippogriff.

"Ugh, well, he said just to keep eye contact and bow. Once the Hippogriff bows back, you can pet her!" Elphaba sighed.

"Pet her..." Glinda sounded like the last thing she wanted to do was get any closer to the giant creature, but with nothing else she could really do, she reluctantly followed Elphaba's instruction and bowed slowly.

The few seconds after she took her bow felt like an eternity, but then at last, the giant Hippogriff mirrored the gesture.

"Elphie! Look! I did it!" Despite herself, Glinda sounded pleased and relieved as the Hippogriff stood up again and moved her head towards her.

"Bloody brilliant!" Elphaba smiled. She allowed Glinda to pet the Hippogriff for a moment, and once again, all of Glinda's fears seemed to have vanished. She smiled and cooed at the Hippogriff, genuinely enjoying the feeling of her soft, silky feathers.

But after a few more seconds, Elphaba took her place in front of the Hippogriff and bowed as well. Just like before, it took a few seconds, but the Hippogriff eventually bowed as well. Then it was Elphaba's turn to pet her.

"See? That wasn't so bad!" Elphaba flashed a rare, genuine smile as she caressed the Hippogriff's head fondly.

"I guess," Glinda admitted, in much brighter spirits now that she had the Hippogriff's trust and wasn't going to get trampled.

"But we aren't done yet," Elphaba's smile turned wicked.

"You can't be serious!" Glinda cried. Although she knew it was coming, to hear Elphaba actually suggest they ride the Hippogriff seemed insane!

"Nobody will notice!" Elphaba promised. "We'll fly away from the castle!"

"That's not the point!" Glinda cried, but Elphaba was already mounting the Hippogriff. Glinda gave both of them a wary look.

"Well? This Hippogriff won't fly itself!" Elphaba joked. "Don't tell me my late-night date-night plan was all for nothing!"

"No! No! Don't do that! Don't make me feel bad!" Glinda complained, but it was too late. By reminding her that tonight was supposed to have bene a romantic outing, Elphaba had restored Glinda's determination. It really would be a waste to have come all the way out here and done nothing. So she heaved a tired sigh before approaching the Hippogriff. She lowered herself even more so Glinda could climb on.

"Up we go!" Elphaba grinned, helping Glinda up. Then, once they were both situated, Elphaba patted the Hippogriff's neck and whispered to it. The beast shook her head, and then began to gallop.

"Eeep!" Glinda squeaked and clung tighter to Elphaba. Elphaba laughed in return, and before both of them knew it, they were airborne, defying gravity. Elphaba's laughter turned into a soft cheer of triumphant and bliss. For a moment, Glinda continued to cower behind Elphaba, but once the Hippogriff finally steadied in its flightpath, Glinda found the courage to pull her face out of Elphaba's back. What she saw took her breath away. Hogwarts was far below them now, its light shining in the darkness like a bunch of little stars. And above their heads were even more stars, and gorgeous half-moon. It truly was a magical sight.

"Enjoying yourself yet?" Elphaba teased, still looking exhilarated to be soaring through the air.

"Ok, I admit it, this was a pretty good idea," Glinda smiled in spite of herself, finally, genuinely happy. She hugged Elphaba a bit tighter and continued to smile as their Hippogriff flew them on into the glorious, starry night. It was every bit as romantic as Glinda had hoped, and more!

AN: Random burst of inspiration! This fic ain't dead yall, I just don't really write for Wicked anymore, but I'm always up for ideas if anyone has them!

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