Parfum of Love

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"Add tears of the demon dedicated to lust, stir the mixture with a spoon made of mahagoni... 'Oh Kuroba Kaito, sensitive you shall become to the touch of my voice'... 'Forbidden love between enemies shall bloom, upon no one else will manage to claim your heart'."
The red witch, Koizumi Akako, watched with lingering eyes her mixture turn deep red. Success. Now all she had to do was to spray him with this parfume.
She began to snicker which erupted into a loud and maniacal laugh.
"Tomorrow, Kuroba Kaito, you will be mine!"

Said magician had no idea what fate had in store for him once he stepped into the classroom and sat down on his seat. If it wasn't for Aoko to pester him about anything uninteresting, Kaito knew for sure Akako or Saguru would gladly take her place.
Kaito wasn't in the mood to grant any bit of his attention. He was in middle of planning a heist for tonight. Much to his dismay, he didn't notice the liquid spraying over his head, sticking in his hair, sinking into his scalp...
Until a large shrudder went down his back and Kaito jolted up. God, he felt hot. Incredible hot. Too hot.
Shivering, he looked around and his body nearly betrayed him into a moan. Suddenly, he was highly aware of the clothes rubbing on his body, clenching around him, caressing him and god, it felt so good.

He caught Akako's gaze, she smirked in satisfy. Not again. Kaito threw his best deathglare at her which seemed to throw her back in surprise.
"Sensei, m-may I excuse myself...? I-I'm not feeling well..." he managed to whine out between his gasps for air and the teacher dismissed him this instant. Akako watched him leave with a scowl. This wasn't the reaction she had planned for. Well, at least one of her spells had worked on him. What went wrong?
She pulled out her indigo book and opened the page she had used yesterday. But... Something was wrong. This page was thicker.
Page 46
Love parfum.
Followed by a whole explanation of risks and effects.
Akako turned the page and nearly screamed in frustration.
Page 49
Followed by a list of ingredients and a guide to follow.
"I can't believe it...! The pages stick together...! But... what have I been making...?" she hissed under her breath and proceeded to carefully part the pages with her fingernails.

Page 48
Hypersensitivety parfum.
Warning: Can cause a lack of other senses
Wears off after two days.

Akako grew wide eyes at that. Kuroba was highly sensitive. No wonder he had been panting as if he had run a whole marathon. She needed to fix that, fast!

Kaito had finally reached the bathroom and that no second too early; he collapsed as soon as the door shut behind him with a strangled groan of bliss. What was wrong with him?!
Every move he made, every breath he took, it all caused him to moan out in pleasure.
"P-pull yourself- ah~ t-together Kuroba...!" he hissed and slowly pried himself off of the ground. His erection pressed overly painful against his pants but in here he couldn't relieve himself. Too high was the risk to get caught.
With his last strengh, the teen dragged himself home. It was too late to cancel the heist and Jii wasn't able to jump in, either.

"Two minutes left!" Hakuba shouted and flashed another glance at his pocket watch. Somehow, he worried about the phantom thief. Kuroba had looked seriously ill as he left the classroom. What on earth had gotten into the thief to still hold a heist?! He would have to ask him personal.
Kudo patted his shoulder and Hakuba looked up.
"You look bothered. What's with your pokerface?" he grinned, imitating the magician and Hakuba chuckled.
"How humorous you are, Kudo-kun. But I have reason enough to be concerned."
"How come?"
"KID... Lets just say, he acted weird as I saw him. Something is wrong with him today. Extremly wrong."
" saw him?!"
"You could say so. Anyway, don't go easy on him, heard it? I want some answers."
Kudo raised one eyebrow and smirked in return.
"As if I'd ever go easy on him."

As soon as the clock struck midnight, feathers began to fall out of the vents. White feathers, beautiful dancing around the police force and detectives...
But as their gazes returned to the smaragd, it was gone.
"Damn!" Shinichi cursed and bolted off, Hakuba on his trail. Much to their surprise they found the thief quite fast, hiding inside the head office of the exhibition. He leaned against a wall, panting, cheeks flushed and the smaragd carelessly thrown onto the table.
"KID?!" Kudo gasped, immediately stumbling over towards the thief. KID didn't move. With teary eyes he just glanced over to his critics and then clenched his teeth.
"D-don't... d-don't come closer..."
Hakuba frowned and rested his hand on KID's shoulder but to the two's surprise, KID shruddered and a moan went past his lips. Hakuba immediately lifted his hand again, bit of pink evident on his cheeks.
"KID what is going on? Why are you acting like this, what happened? Can we somehow help you? Hospital? K-Kudo-kun, order a-"
"No!" the thief gasped and both flinched.
"I-it's... i-it's that witch's doing... She... s-she cursed me..." he panted and both stared at him as if he had grown a second head.

KID breathed out a whine and tried to keep himself on his weak legs.
"Just believe me t-this one, will you?!"
Hakuba reached out again and lifted the phantom's chin with one finger, earning another pleased shrudder of the thief. Kaito tried to inch away but his body wasn't moving at all.
"So... what's that curse?" Kudo finally asked and Kaito froze. No way in hell he was going to tell his detectives. None of them would get to know he was hypersensitive. Kaito wouldn't dare to tell them he couldn't get off of his own only once since that incident.

"I think I do have a feeling what this curse is about~" Hakuba smugly said and rested his warm hand again on KID's shoulder, drawing a large gasp. Kudo gritted his teeth and pushed Hakuba's hand off of the thief.

Kaitou KID One Shots 2Where stories live. Discover now