How to embarass a KID

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Kaito knew for sure messing with Akako's magic spells and attaching the small sticker to her would get him into trouble, but to have her use Aoko for her plans was beyond his imaginations. It wasn't even evil-
Okay, it was evil to the KID.
But it didn't hurt anybody-
Okay, it did hurt the KID.
But no one died-
Okay, the KID died inside.

It all began one beautiful heist evening...

"And you really think this is gonna work?" Aoko asked, sceptism visible on her face and in the way she fiddled around with the brush she used to paint a huge sign. Nevertheless, she was as ambitious as ever to hear Akako had found a way to piss of KID.
"Trust me, Aoko-chan," the sly girl replied, carrying a innocent expression, "KID is going to die in embarassment. You'll love it. Just make sure Beika detective sees it together with him."
Aoko flashed a glance onto her huge sign and back at the beaming witch. She was just as exited to pay her fellow 'friend' Kuroba back for messing with her spells.
"And is that true...? I could get in trouble and despite that, I'm friends with Hakuba-kun and he is friends with the detective."
"Oh believe me, it will be worth all of the following."

Akako chuckled and put her hands on her hibs, shifting from one leg to the other in some kind of challenging pose.
"You do want to catch KID off guard, do you?"
"O-of course!" came the pouting response and the young Nakamori turned back to work on her sign. She had a few hours left to the heist and that was enough on preparation. Akako knew this was going to work, she just needed to put a bit of magic into this and Kaitou KID and Kudo Shinichi were so going to notice this sign among all others. She watched Aoko work with joy while emptying the juice storage of the Nakamori-household, because who was Akako to actually work despite studying and magic?
Once the sign was done, Akako needed to force herself from squealing in delight. This was utterly perfect. And the image! She needed to admite, Aoko had a talent in drawings. Now a bit of her magic powder to add up a bit of spirit... and finished.
A perfect chance to destroy Kuroba Kaito.

The place of act was stuffed as heck and both Aoko and Akako had much trouble getting through (Akako because everyone was trying to hold her back asking for autograms, pictures, her number or at least a hint of her attention, and Aoko because the crowd pushed and pulled the fragile girl back and forth). Akako looked so short before pulling out her broom and flying over these stupid heads away.
"Ah but Aoko-chan, make sure Nakamori-san doesn't see this."
"R-right... I wouldn't want Kudo-san in trouble. This revenge is alone for KID~"
It wasn't too long until they had pushed their way into the main hall. Being held back by a fence was no problem for the daughter of the keibu and thus, they finally reached the space occupied by task force members and had room to breath.
"I really hate KID but this one time I'm really glad Otou-san is the keibu here."
"I have to agree to this..." Akako murmured absently, her dark evil eyes already scanning the room for a certain brunette detective and the phantom thief.

As the moment of truth finally arrived and Kaitou KID showed up, all the task force members were ready to aim and fire a load of nets at the KID. Akako had wondered about this tho, they were really trying to keep a phantom inside a net?
Aoko kept her calm and raised the sign, a sharp whistle passing her lips. Kaitou KID froze and actually spared her a glance, and his expression was worth so much more than everything she had seen.
First, he froze and stared. His eyes slid from the sign over to Kudo Shinichi to confirm of something, and his face heated up in an instant as he realised his detective stared at the sign, too. The whole task force looked baffled at the image the phantom thief was just presenting but Aoko had already lowered the sign and tucked it into a plastic bag, unable to be seen by curious eyes.
Within seconds out of the stoic, flirty and untouchable KID became a stuttering, blushing and unfocused mess.
"H-how did- NO I DO NOT!! I-I mean not that he isn't handsome and- ah no wait that sounds wrong, I- L-LOOK, I JUST- gahh!!!"
He finally pressed out a cry of embarassment and with a whirl of his cape he was gone, the target with him. Kudo Shinichi had a look of utter amusement plastered all over his face and crossed smugly his arms; he didn't make a move to chase KID this time. This had been victory enough for him.

Some may ask, what was on this special sign Aoko had held up for both the detective and phantom thief to see?



And below these wonderful bold letters a piece of marvellous fanart made by Aoko herself.

A victorious Shinichi straddeling KID's hibs and pinning KID's cuffed hands above his head onto the ground, with his smug face mere inches away to kiss the blushing thief.

I'm unsure-
I kinda want to do a second part on this but I first want to hear wether you want a second part of this as well or not.

Looots of greetings!

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