18- Flirting 101

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"I'M PREGNANT?!!" I shouted in excitement!

"Congrats! i'm sure Mr.Kim will be very happy if he learns about this!"

Will he?

"t-thank you..." I said then smiled.

"I'll go now. I'll prepare Lunch" She said then left the room.

How will I say this to Namjoon?... Even if i have to wait or not, I know in the end that i will have to say it to him.
But..... What if he gets mad?....

I sighed... I didn't take my gaze off the Pregnancy-Test Results. I stared at it...

Suddenly, the door opened. I didn't look on who it could be. "Y/N, I'm home" Namjoon said as he throws himself on the bed laying down. But i was there. Beside him... Sitting down, don't know how to say it to him...

"I'm sorry" I said

"About what?" He asked in a

"it was your fault!" I Shouted.

"About Earlier, that girl... She 'was' My Ex back then, and now she's Suk's Wife. But I don't really care. Cause right now what's important is you.. My present and my future." He said in a gentle-tone

My heart flattered as he say that.

"Also, Suk... About him... He already got arrested! So you shouldn't worry about him or scared about him.. He won't be near you anymore, I'm always here."

I formed a smile on my lips. But of course he couldn't see it. He was facing my back while i was sitting down next to him. "are you okay?" He asked. "I'm Very happy!" I said excitedly.

"hey... What's wrong?... Tell me" He said softly...

"I-I don't know.... How to say this...
B-but..." ugh!!! Why did i even bring this topic!!!

"The what babe?"

"I-I'm...." Just say it!!!

"You're what?" he asked worriedly.

Screw this...

"I'm Pregnant!" I stood up from the bed. And he sat down...

"Look what you did!" I threw the pregnancy results on the bed next to him.

He slowly took it and look at it with shock. He looked back at me and ran to me attacking me with a warm-tight hug.

I cried on his chest.

"Don't cry" he said as he brush my hair from my back using his fingers.

"I-I'm sorry" I cried out.

"why are you sorry?" he asked hugging me more tightly.

"A-are you m-mad?"

"Hell no! I'm not mad!!! I'm the happiest husband! I'm so happy that we're finally going to have a family!" He said excitedly.

Marry You | Kim Namjoon (COMPLETE)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum