Memories (Pharah X Reader)<Request>

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You sighed as you got up from your bed, a cool breeze made you shiver. You walked to your closet and got some decent clothing on, today you were meeting with an old friend of yours and her mother, during the omnic crisis you were separated from your family, but one of the main commanders of Overwatch, Ana Amari, took you under her wing until you could fight for yourself.

You had recently finished college and were still thinking of what type of career you wanted, Ana Amari's daughter Fareeah had gotten promoted in Overwatch's agency, you were so proud of her hard work and bravery. Growing up, Fareeah had always been by your side, helping you when you needed her the most. You got dressed, soon starting up your car and heading to the cafe the two of them wanted to meet you at.

Ana looked up at you with a smile "Y/N! It's so great to see you!" She hugged you and lightly pinched your cheek "Ah, You've become such a lovely young lady!" You giggled "Th-Thank you Ana" You looked over at Fareeah, she was so fit! Back when you had both met each other she was practically skin and bones. You smiled "My,My Fareeah you've grown so much!" She grinned, hugging you "You have as well Y/N, it's nice to see you again, how have you been?"

You smiled "I've been doing great, recently got out of college" Faraeeh layed a hand on your shoulder "That's amazing, have any idea what type of career you'd like to do?" You shook your head "I honestly have no idea yet" Ana's smile became a serious look "Have you gotten any information about your parents and where they could have gone?" You frowned, it was a sensitive topic for you, it was hard to be separated from your parents at such a young age.

You sighed heavily, Ana wrapping her arms around you "Cheer up Y/N...I'm sure they're out there somewhere, you'll find them one day, I promise" You nodded, looking over at Fareeah, she had a sorrowful look on her face. Ana soon got up "I'll let you too go explore and enjoy yourselves, I have a few forms I need to fill out back at headquarters" Ana gave you a hug goodbye, and then left. Fareeah smiled "There's a nice party going on at headquarters tonight, maybe you could come with me?"

You giggled "Like, fancy? You know good and well I don't have a nice dress for that Fareeah" She grinned "Well, there's a mall nearby, I'll buy you one, your welcome back home gift" That did sound nice, you couldn't refuse the offer. Fareeah walked with you to the mall, you walked into a nice dress store, looking at some of the dresses they had on display. Just then, one caught your eye, and Fareeah noticed. "You sure do take a liking to that one don't you?" You nodded.

The dress was gorgeous, a lace outer pattern with a soft red velvet color, a medium sized skirt and tank top like torso, it was perfect. Fareeah gently took it off the mannequin "Go try it on Y/N" You got the dress and walked off to the dressing room, you soon walked out "What do you think?" Fareeah's face grew red "You look lovely in it?, how do you feel?" You sighed happily "It's so soft and comfy, and it's the perfect size too!" Fareeah nodded "Than that settles it" She bought the dress for you, walking back out of the store with you.

She smiled "Today has been nice so far Y/N, you have no idea how much I missed you" You giggled "I'm glad to see you too, I can't go too long without seeing my favorite person" Fareeah smiled, her cheeks a light tone of pink, she turned her head away "Awe...Y/N you're too sweet to me..."

You looked back at her "So, what's the big party at Overwatch for tonight?" Fareeah turned back to you "Well, recently we were able to save several innocent omnics in Numbani, making several friends and allies, tonight it to celebrate their freedom". You smiled "Overwatch has always been such a nice place" Fareeah smiled "Why not join?"

You blushed "Well, I've never been the fighting, saving the world type, I'm just a normal girl" Fareeah bursted into laughter, you groaned "H-Hey whats so funny?" Fareeah continued to laugh "Just a normal girl?! Y/N you're so silly! Who survived the omnic crisis when she had nothing left? Who kept giving herself hope?" It was true....Long before Ana and Fareeah had found you, you were an orphan, looking for food, lost, hungry, hopeless. Until they found you, it was such a long time ago, but the thoughts of it still haunted you.

You sighed "Y-Yeah.." Fareeah gently put her hand on the side of her face "Look Y/N...I think you are absolutely perfect for Overwatch, we need a kind hearted peacemaker like you. Trust me. I believe in you, if you can survive an omnic crisis, you can help the ones you love" You sigh "But...What if something happens..." Fareeah pulled you in for a hug "I will protect you with my life, I care about you Y/N, I will make sure nothing happens to you..."

You felt your face heat up "Fareeah.. I need to tell you the truth...." She looked down at you, curiosity in her eyes . "I....I've never felt this way about anyone else....Fareeah...I love you" her face grew red, smiling "Oh, Y/N...I love you too.." She held you close "Ever since we first met...I always saw something in you, your smile, your laugh" You blushed, your lips soon meeting each other for a tender, loving kiss.

Later that night at the party....

Fareeah smiled, she looked so beautiful in her blue dress. You held her gently "Never let go of me Fareeah...." She giggled "Of course Y/N".

*Hope you enjoyed!*w

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