"Hey! Hope was that really necessary?" Faith gasped, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

"What? It's only the truth! I'm just pointing out that you two are similar and will probably make good friends." Hope shrugged, chewing on her toast.

"Oh, I tell you what, you two can meet Katherine today! She's my sister! I secretly think she's lonely too, but covers it up by being cold, so maybe we can all be friends! Once you're dressed we'll pop down and see her." Florence grinned, all traces of sadness gone. "I'll give you guys fifteen minutes to get ready. You probably noticed yesterday but some... erm, friends of mine went and got you two some clothes which are in the cases over there." Florence grinned before rushing out of the room.

She certainly was a whirlwind of a person – a little emotionally unstable if you asked Faith.

They had more or less finished their food already, so they decided to get up and face the day. Hope kept on incessantly nagging Faith, demanding answers that she wasn't at liberty to give. Luckily, Faith was saved by the return of Florence, especially chirper now. Once Hope had finally pulled her jeans on, in a sulky mood due to a lack of answers and confusion, they followed Florence out of the bedroom and into the dim hallway lit with candles. Hope shivered and moved closer to Faith, who was equally as on edge as her sister. They trotted along behind a skipping Florence, humming a sweet tune. She certainly was an odd girl, beautiful and friendly, yet definitely peculiar.

Faith and Hope both jumped as they rounded a corner and came across William leaning against the deep red walls. As soon as their eyes met Faith skidded to a stop, her breath leaving her and something electric lighting her up inside. She wondered how on earth he always managed to look like he just stepped out of an Armani catalogue, so devastatingly gorgeous that she just couldn't stop looking at him. There was definitely some magnetic pull between them both, and that scared Faith exponentially.

"Faith, Hope, Florence." William nodded at them all in a low voice, but not once taking his eyes off a frozen Faith. "How are you Faith?" He hummed, all the while looking intensely into her eyes.

"Erm, fine. I'm fine." She mumbled out, finally averting her eyes from his as her sister gave her a sharp nudge.

William then turned his attention to his little sister, who was staring at him and Faith. "Ok. Where are you going?"

"Oh, just to see Kathy. Would you like to come along?" Florence smirked, sensing something unspoken between her brother and Faith.

"I guess I could spare a few minutes..." He murmured thoughtfully, glancing back at Faith.

"Brilliant! It's decided then. Come along children!" Florence giggled, resuming her skipping.

Faith quickly followed her lead, not wanting to be stuck with William. He was dangerous. Dangerously attractive.

"Oh Faith, I have a question which I hope you'll excuse me asking, but it's been bugging me and I've just remembered to ask you." Florence started, now skipping backwards. "Excuse me for being nosy, but... where are your parents?" She asked curiously.

"Erm, well they actually passed away a few months back... a head on collision." Faith revealed harrowingly with a grim smile, causing Florence to stumble to a stop.

"What! Oh my, I'm so sorry, that's terrible! I'm so sorry for asking!"

"It's ok, we get it a lot. It's actually why we moved out here. To escape the reminders and pitiful looks." Hope revealed, her eyes gleaming with tears.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Faith. Someone as pure as you should never face such a terrible ordeal." William murmured as he was all of a sudden beside her, clasping her hand tightly in support.

Her Vampire PrinceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin