Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty Eight - Pink or Blue?

Ayla's last month of pregnancy.

"Asher!" I giggle, stepping carefully. "Where are we going?!"

"Just a few more steps, angel. You'll find out very soon." I can hear the smile in his voice as he guides me forward.

This afternoon, Asher had barged into our room and picked out a dress for me, demanding that I get ready. He wouldn't tell me where we're going at all, even now that we've arrived at our destination. Before we left the castle, he had blindfolded me and I made sure to voice my displeasure in the hopes of him taking it off.

He didn't budge though, not one bit. And now, I'm trying to guess where we are. I can tell that it's the beach because of the smell of salt in the air and the sound of waves crashing against the shore. There's no wind today which makes it feel warmer. But I don't understand why we're here. All he told me is that Astra and Fabian worked together to bring light to where we are going and that I'll love it, just like the garden back home.

It's not sustainable for a long period of time as the magic is highly draining, unless crafted by an elder witch. The elder witch who created the garden for Claire Antonov died shortly and chose to transfer all of her magic into keeping the garden alive otherwise it would not have survived. 


"Yes!" I grin, not being able to sit still due to excitement.

He takes the blindfold off and I must blink a few times for my eyes to adjust. But when they do, tears instantly brim my eyes. Everyone I know is here including my family and Sage with Helios. There's a flower arch standing proudly on the sand, a tropical themed sign beside it saying, "Welcome to Ayla's baby shower!"

"This is amazing!" I breathe, kissing Asher when he leans down to peck my lips. "Thank you!"

"I can't take credit for something even I didn't know about until this morning." He chuckles, looping my arm through his as he guides me forward. "Sage is the mastermind behind all this."

I smile happily as she walks up to me, embracing her tightly with a muffled thank you. She wipes my tears with a laugh, scolding me for getting my makeup all ruined. We walk through the archway and I look around in amazement at the large tent made from wooden poles stuck in the sand with white fabric tied to the top. 

Everything is boho themed with rugs on the sand and cushions on top, food platters in intricately carved dishes waiting to be tasted. There's little vases full of daisies and baby's breath, wooden tables placed here and there with wrapped gifts and shopping bags around them. There's beach themed decorations too and a large cake with various treats sits atop a picnic bench.

"Mom! Dad!" I smile, walking over to them.

"Hey, princess!" Dad grins, pecking my cheek before my mom embraces me.

"How are you and the baby doing?" She asks worriedly, caressing my cheek.

"Okay, it's tough sometimes but I'm getting through it. Everyone has been very caring and supportive, especially Asher." I smile, feeling my mate come up behind me.

"He better be." My dad mutters, narrowing his eyes at Asher when his hands grip my hips.

"Always, sir." I hear his stern voice but I can also sense his amusement through our bond.

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