Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty Six - Two Lines

I groan in discomfort, pushing up from the floor and walking over to the sink. Grabbing my brush and some toothpaste, I clean my teeth and wash my face. I have been vomiting every morning this whole week and finally asked Sage an hour ago to bring me a few pregnancy tests. Thankfully she was visiting for the week while Helios was away on a business trip.

Asher and I have discussed starting a family and since his mother was from a lineage of purebloods it's highly possible to have a child as he was not turned and instead, created. I'm a pile of nerves as I wait for Sage and it's only worsening my condition. Along with vomiting, I have been feeling tired, my breasts hurt and my period is late by a week.

Finally, she walks in with a bag and shuts the door. I thank her and grab a few, taking them into the bathroom with me. Peeing on the stick as instructed, I go back into the bedroom and sit on the couch beside her. She rubs my back soothingly, telling me that everything is going to be okay. I can tell she's excited at the thought of becoming an aunt but I don't want to get my hopes up.

"Want me to check?"

"Please." I nod, watching as she walks into the bathroom.

She's silent for a while and it almost drives me insane until I hear her loud squeal. She runs back out to me, screaming that I'm pregnant. My jaw drops as I take the tests from her, two lines on every one. I'm going to be a mother! There's a little baby growing inside me!

"Wow!" I breathe, laughing as Sage hugs me tightly. "I'm going to be a mom!"

"And I'm going to be an aunt! This is so exciting!" She cries happily, bouncing up and down.

"I-I have to tell Asher." I mumble, still in shock as I stare at the tests.

"Do you want to surprise him?" She grins, holding my hands.

"Sure, but how?" I frown, hearing her hum thoughtfully.

"Oh! I've got an idea!"

After sharing it with me, we set about putting our plan into motion. Writing a list of baby names on a piece of paper, we put it in a file which I will be giving to Asher. I'll be pretending to give it to him so he can approve of something but really, it'll just be a hint for him about my pregnancy. It doesn't take us long to make but I'm excited anyways.

"How about we visit Doctor Ilias while we wait for Asher to come back?" I turn to Sage, who agrees immediately. "I had my bloods done on Monday, maybe the reports will confirm that I'm pregnant?"

We make our way through the castle and into the hospital wing. Thankfully, Doctor Ilias is standing by reception and I'm taken to his office right away. He takes out my file and looks through it as I tell him about taking pregnancy tests and getting two lines.

"You are indeed pregnant Ayla, two weeks along actually. With supernaturals, many pregnancies are detected this early." He replies with a wide smile, taking one of his notepads out. "Congratulations! Does Asher know?"

"Not yet, I'm going to surprise him this evening when he returns from his meeting." I grin excitedly, I just want him to come back home right now!

"Okay, I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and schedule you in for another appointment. Now, because you and Asher are both supernaturals your pregnancy is expected to be very short – like, two to three months." He hands me a medicine prescription before typing away on his computer. "We'll need you to come in for an ultrasound in...let's say, two weeks."

"Okay." I breathe shakily, a little scared now that this will be happening so fast.

"Don't worry, we're all here to help you." Sage pats my hand with a reassuring smile as Doctor Ilias agrees and tells me to call him anytime.

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