Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen - Mind Games

Asher Antonov's P.O.V.

I'm standing at the entrance the next morning, seeing Fabian off as he embarks on his long journey around the kingdom to place the hidden portals when Ayla wraps her arms around me from behind. Smiling, I turn and bring her to my side with a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Hey, did you have breakfast?"

She shrugs in disinterest, staring at Fabian as he all but chucks his things into the boot of the car. "Not hungry."

I frown in worry, noticing that she hasn't been eating well for a few days now. Deciding that confronting her would be a dangerous move considering she's not well, I plan to spend more time with her and gently coax her into eating full meals. With Blithe still running around and wreaking havoc, I don't see much of my beloved anymore.

Turning to face Fabian as he walks up to me, I smirk at the scowl he wears on his lips. I had ordered him to take numerous warriors with him for his protection and safe to say, he hates it. His dark blue eyes flicker to Ayla, who's attention is currently occupied by Corbin discreetly braiding Vito's hair. I roll my eyes at his childishness, wondering why I keep him around still. But when Ayla laughs joyously as Vito punches him in the face and proceeds to chase him around the foyer, I find my answer.

"Can I talk to you privately for a moment?" Fabian brings me out of my admiration.

I nod, ordering Vito and Corbin to knock it off and guard Ayla while I step away. Heading into my office, I close the door behind me and gesture for him to take a seat. I frown at his serious expression, feeling like he's going to tell me something that I won't like. He can always tell when something is off.

"I don't know what Ayla is going through but what I can tell you is that if somebody doesn't figure it out soon she's going to get hurt." He states bluntly, evoking a protective snarl from me. "Her aura is off, Asher. It's not clear."

"Please tell me you're joking." My voice is hoarse as I hold my head in my hands.

What if I can't save Ayla in time? We're supposed to spend eternity together, I can't lose her! I think desperately. Memories that I've stored ever since I met her flash through my mind and I feel emotion rise within me at the thought of her dying. I won't be able to handle it, I know I'll kill myself if she leaves me. There would be no point in living.

"I'm sorry, I wish I was." He crouches before me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Have you called anyone to look into this?"

"Astra is helping me, she might know someone who can look into this." I breathe shakily, pacing the room.

"Okay, good start. I'll come back during my breaks to check on her and see if I can help." He stops me, giving me a reassuring look. "We're going to do everything we can, okay? You're not alone in this."

"Thanks, Fabian."

He nods, patting me on the back before picking up his coat and leaving the office. Taking a deep breath, I rid the thought of Ayla dying from my mind and follow him. But as soon as my eyes meet her emerald gems, I feel like my dead heart just shattered then and there. Smiling at her to pretend that I'm fine, I curse mentally when she frowns in worry. She knows me so well at this point.

"Ash...?" She mumbles into my chest when I hug her tightly, inhaling the scent of her essence.

"I'm fine." I grin down at her, kissing her forehead. "How about we have a date night soon?"

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