Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven - Uncertain Future

End of first month.

I woke up this morning, in a lot of pain as usual. Feeling the nausea swirl uneasily inside me as I struggle to sit up, I get up from the bed and make my way over to the bathroom. While I'm emptying my stomach of last night's dinner, Asher comes up behind me and holds my hair up. His hand rubbing circles into my lower back is a soothing relief that lasts only temporarily as I finish and slump against the tiled wall. He picks me up and supports me as I stand by the sink, brushing my teeth and washing my face.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a hushed tone, turning me to face him.

I shake my head as I look down at the floor, tears brimming my eyes as I bite my bottom lip to stifle a sob building in my throat. "Everything hurts...really bad."

"I know." He hushes, pressing a kiss to my temple. "I'll run you a bath, okay? And we can go to the garden after if you'd like? The baby always calms down there."

"Thank you, you're the best." I sniffle, hugging him as much as I could with my bump.

The first month of my pregnancy will be over by tonight and I underestimated how difficult it would be. I'm constantly weak and tired due to the baby growing rapidly, he or she is taking a lot more from me than usual and it's been draining. Doctor Ilias has put it down to the fact that the baby is more likely to be born a hybrid and needs more nutrients to help with growth and development. When my parents visited, my mom said that she had experienced the same when pregnant with Ivan and I.

Having a dangerously low amount of iron in my body has also caused problems. I always feel sharp pain all over my torso and I become tired quicker, feeling miserable all the time. Ever since Doctor Ilias prescribed me medication, I have been feeling much better though. I just hope it gets easier from here, I want to enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible instead of remembering nothing but negativity.

If a human were to look at me, it would seem like I'm three months pregnant right now. That's how big my bump is now and my breasts have also become slightly heavier and fuller. Of course, Asher is loving the changes that are happening to my body. He's become extremely overprotective when it comes to me but I kind of love it. Added onto the fact that he's constantly horny and can't keep his hands off me.

Because of my pregnancy and how much it's been affecting me, he asked Dimitri to help shoulder some of the workload. That means Asher can be with me as much as possible and help me get through this. He doesn't leave for his office as early anymore and instead helps me get ready for the day, returning earlier and pampering me until we fall asleep. Like the rest of our mornings, he always gets up earlier than me since he doesn't really need sleep.

I've also cried an insane amount of tears due to my hormones over him being the perfect mate. My emotions have been all over the place and every time I become frustrated and end up snapping at Asher, I burst into tears right after because I feel like a horrible person. That makes him laugh and every time, he reminds me that he understands how I'm feeling and he never takes it to heart.

"Ayla, come on. I've got the bath ready." He calls, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I strip and carefully get into the tub, resting my head against the edge with a content sigh as the warm water soothes my aching body. He brings around a stool and unravels my hair from the messy bun I had it in for the night, lathering it with shampoo once it's wet. Humming while he works, I find his voice soothing me to sleep. Last night had been rocky as I kept tossing and turning, so I didn't get much sleep. He washes my hair and a small moan escapes me at the feel of him running his fingers through my wet strands. Chuckling, he puts the shower head back in its place before proceeding to pamper my body with a citrus-smelling shower gel.

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