After I'm fully clean and relaxed, he picks me up out of the tub and sets me on the carpet. Drying my body and hair, he carries me to our bed and helps me change into a loose dress. When I felt and saw the significant changes starting to happen to my body I realized I hated anything that felt restricting. I refused to put on the clothes I had before and instead, wore anything that made me feel free.

Putting some brown sandals on with the green dress, I leave my hair open to dry as Asher and I head to the garden. Vito and Corbin follow us, asking how we are. We've become more close over the past few months and now they're like brothers to me. And along with Asher, they are also very protective of me and my baby. It's frustrating at times when they go overboard but I understand how important it is for them.

As we make our way through the hallways, people greet us. But I don't miss the way their eyes glance at me worriedly as they take me in. I shift uncomfortably, knowing that everyone in the castle is aware of how difficult I'm finding this pregnancy and the problems I'm having.

But regardless, I smile back at everyone just so I can reassure them that I'm doing better. I talk regularly with my mom who always tells me about her pregnancy, how difficult she found it and the risks she had. She also tells me about other mothers who have also gone through a hard time and even had miscarriages. It doesn't make me feel as alone I used to feel and I find myself being more grateful to have so many people taking care of me.

Opening the door, I step in first with Asher following behind. Vito and Corbin take up their posts outside as usual. Breakfast is waiting for us inside the gazebo and my tummy instantly growls loudly at the smell. Blushing in embarrassment, I swat Asher's arm when he teases me, reminding him that I'm eating for two. There's a stack of blueberry pancakes with other fresh fruit, maple syrup and whipped cream. A plate of eggs and bacon are also on the table with toast and freshly squeezed orange juice. Taking a seat at the table, we dig in immediately and I eat until I feel like I won't be able to walk anymore.

After, we lay down on the grass and I take my shoes off to feel the soft green blades tickle my feet. Asher hovers above me, his knees on either side of my hips as he pushes up my dress to reveal my baby bump. There's a tender yet protective look in his eyes as he caresses my swollen belly, peppering kisses all over it.

"Boy or girl? What do you think?" He looks up at me with a smile, happiness shining in his chocolate brown eyes.

"I'd like a boy first." I smile, placing my hand over his. "Someone to protect our daughter. But as long as the baby is healthy, I don't really mind I guess. What about you?"

"A little princess." He grins boyishly, eyes shining with excitement. "I'd want her to be just like her mama, sweet yet strong."

"We'll just have to wait and see then." I giggle as his lips meet mine in a gentle kiss.

"I can't wait. I'll give them the world, Ayla. I'll protect and love you both until my very last breath." He murmurs, making me tear up a little. "And I'm so fucking proud of you, angel."

"I said no swearing!" I laugh, making him roll his eyes playfully.

"Sorry." He winks devilishly, nudging my nose with his.

"I appreciate you being here for me." I reply softly, taking his hand. "You and our child are the only ones giving me the strength to keep going. I love you, Ash."

"I love you too, little butterfly." He smiles handsomely, capturing my lips in a lingering kiss. "I'll do anything for you."


Three weeks later – in month two.

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