I'm terrified about Ayla, not knowing what will happen. She was healing quite well because of Sasha's help, I don't want her health to worsen. What if she doesn't ever wake up? I wonder, ridding the thought from my mind as soon as it enters. I won't think of such things, I must stay positive that she will wake up soon. And when she does, I'll never let her leave my side. I'll make her so happy and show her everyday just how much I love her and how much she means to me. I'll take more measures to protect her from all sorts of harm. 

"What did Reggie say?" Sage asks quietly, her eyes scanning the letter before her.

"Told me to move on from Ayla since she isn't accepting Sasha's healing anymore." I reply, a slight edge to my voice.

"What the fuck?! How dare he?!" Her eyes meet mine, swimming in shock. She's quite close with Reggie, he's almost like a second father to us but even she can't believe that he would say something like that. 

"Exactly my thoughts." I laugh humorlessly, shaking my head. "He's worried about the people, saying they want reassurance from their king."

"A king is nothing without his queen!" She states firmly, disbelief in her eyes. "Word travels fast and by now, everyone knows what happened to Ayla. I'm sure they understand."

"I hope so."


Five hours later, when the paperwork has all been completed and I've finished with several meetings, I walk into the hospital wing. Doctor Ilias brings me into his office for an update before I leave to see Ayla. Everyone stares at me in pity, trying to be as subtle as possible but failing. Ignoring them, I open the door of her room and step in.

She lays perfectly still on the bed, a baby blue blanket covering her body to keep her warm. She's in a new gown today, her arms on either side of her. Her long brown hair is splayed across the pillow, making my fingers itch to run my hands through it. It's always silky soft and her shampoo reminds me of fruits.

"Dragostea mea." I murmur in greeting, kissing Ayla's forehead before taking a seat beside her on the bed. "I hope you can hear me." (My love)

She doesn't respond like usual and I struggle to stop it from breaking me like always. Taking her hand in mine, I brush my lips against her knuckles. The monitors are steady, a reassuring sound to my ears. They remind me that she's still here; still breathing. Doctor Ilias had reported that everything is normal but as we all know, it's up to Ayla to wake up on her own. There's nothing more we can do.

"You sure do like your sleep, huh?" I chuckle, lying down next to her. "It's been two months, angel. Don't you want to wake up?"

I curl up to her, nestling my nose into the crook of her neck. Her pulse thrums enticingly underneath her skin, my gums aching to embed themselves into her slender neck. A sharp hiss escapes me as I control myself, I can't afford to hurt her more than she already is. And the thought of drinking from her while she's unconscious disgusts me.

"Please wake up, Ayla." I whisper, letting the tears fall freely. "I'm so lost without you. Don't torture me like this, baby. I need you."

When I'm alone with her is the only time that I let my guard down and cry the pain and longing out. I've said the same things repeatedly and promised to do so much for her only to receive no response. I've hoped for a miracle day in and day out while feeling her still body against mine. No matter how hard I try to be positive, I can't take it anymore.

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