"Where is he now?" She snarls lowly, her fists clenched by her side.

"In the prisons," I smirk ruefully, meeting her gaze. "We can have a go at him together?"

"I'd love that." She grins dangerously, her eyes full of rage.

Groaning when she disappears from the room, I follow her but choose to walk at a leisurely pace. I wanted to give her some time with Silvano, knowing she was out for blood with the way her eyes had lit up in rage when she realized that Ayla almost lost her life because of him. When I finally reach the door that leads down to the prison cells, I can already hear his screams of pain as he begs for mercy. Silvano is dead to me, no longer will I consider him my cousin. He deserves every amount of pain, knowing that Ayla suffered ten times worse.

When I open the door that's filled with rows of cells, I see that Sage has brought him out of his and tied him to the wall. His arms and legs are chained and he's bleeding profusely. Hell, I almost think he's dead if not for the slight twitch every few seconds. Sage swings a spiked bat and it connects with his kneecaps, a bloodcurdling scream escaping him. She doesn't care that his blood is splattered all over her clothes and face, continuing to beat his body until his screams are hoarse.

"I think he's done Sage, wouldn't want to kill him too soon would we?" I walk up to him, gripping his chin so that he meets my eyes.

"Asher...p-please, I-I'm s-s-sorry!" He groans in pain, a rattled breath escaping him.

"Go clean up, Sage. And call the healers on your way out." I smirk at his terrified expression.

He starts to thrash as she leaves, begging me to just kill him. But I can't do that, not yet. As long as Ayla sleeps Silvano will remain here, chained and tortured every day. I want him to feel pain, to feel like it's never going to end because that's exactly how my beloved felt; a never-ending torture of her mind. I still remember her teary eyes, the fear in them as she tried telling me what was happening to her. I remember all the times when she lay next to me, crying out in fear as her nightmares plagued her. And I still remember how much pain she was in before she closed her eyes a month ago.

"You called, King?" I hear Sasha, her footsteps echoing on the stone floor.

"Heal him, please. Make him brand new and ready for tomorrow." I snarl lowly when he starts crying, the smell of piss making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

"You got it." She mumbles, passing me as she starts to work on him.

I turn and walk out of the prison, hearing him screaming for me to end his life. Ignoring him, the door closes with a resounding thud behind me as I make my way upstairs. Sage waits for me in the living room in fresh clothes, completely clean. Although her eyes have returned to their normal shade, I can tell that she's still visibly angry.

"Why don't you just kill him?"

"Until Ayla is asleep, he suffers. The day she wakes up, I will kill him myself." I mutter, taking a seat and thanking Grace as she passes a glass of blood to us.

I don't even enjoy the taste of animal blood anymore. After meeting Ayla and hearing her vein pulsing with the scent of her essence, it's all I want. Sighing, I take a few sips before looking up at my sister. She has a determined look in her eyes suddenly, which makes me frown and narrow mine.

"I'm staying here until she wakes up."

"No, absolutely not." I refuse, glaring at her warningly when she snarls at me.

"You look like shit, Asher. It's clear that you aren't taking care of yourself. I'm staying and you can't stop me!" She argues, crossing her arms with a huff.

Asher's BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now