She smiles breathtakingly, her small hands fisting my suit jacket in excitement. "Yes!"

I laugh, wrapping an arm around her waist as we walk towards the entrance again. Just as Fabian is about to get into his car, another one drives through the gates and stops opposite his. Astra gets out and they both share a knowing look, nodding slightly. Fabian waves from the window before driving off, two cars driving ahead and behind him filled with warriors. I gesture for her to come in and move towards the sitting room, Corbin and Vito in tow.

"Hi guys." Astra waves with a smile, turning to Ayla. "Hello, I'm Astra. I'm so happy to meet you!"

"Hi, I'm Ayla. It's nice to meet you too, are you a friend of Asher's?" She asks, shaking her outstretched hand.

I know it's another method Astra uses to access a person's memories. But unlike the usual dazed look that would appear on a person's face, Ayla whimpers loudly and rips her hand away from her. She clutches her head as she stumbles back, features contorted in pain.

"Ayla!" I shout, rushing to grab her as her eyes roll closed. "What did you do?!"

"Her mind wasn't blocked before." Astra whispers, her eyes flickering with worry as she gazes at Ayla.

"What are you talking about?!" I snap, yelling for Corbin to bring me a glass of water.

"Asher, her mind is blocked! I'm hitting a dead wall." She steps towards her with her hand outstretched, as if she is going to try again but stops herself. "I-I don't want to hurt her."

"Why would her mind be blocked?" I take the glass of water from Corbin, flicking droplets onto Ayla's face. I sigh in relief when her eyes flutter, her nose scrunching at the feel of cold water.

"I'm going to get Felicity to visit you as soon as possible, she's a friend of mine who deals with this sort of stuff. I'm sorry, I can only access memories. But this is dangerous Asher, someone did this to her!" She immediately stops talking as Ayla opens her eyes and sits up.

"W-What happened?" She groans, rubbing her temple.

"You fainted, Ayla. Are you feeling okay?" I rub her back, helping her stand.

"Yes, I'm sorry." She smiles gently at Astra and I. "I guess I haven't been taking care of myself lately."

Astra and I share a look when it seems like Ayla doesn't remember what happened moments ago. I need to fix this, and fast. Now that Astra can't access her memories and Fabian sensing a strange aura around her, my time is running out even quicker.

"I-I don't remember what we were doing..." She mumbles as I guide her to the couch, feeling her instinctively curl into me.

"Well, you asked me if I'm a friend of Asher's, which I am!" Astra grins, distracting her successfully.

Astra glances at me before continuing to explain how we met and that she's a witch who helps hospitalized people in this kingdom. Before Ayla woke up, Astra had left to help at another hospital and I didn't tell Ayla about what she did to her either. Although it was necessary, I understand how invasive it can seem to people and she might not have taken it well considering she had just been terrorized by Blithe.

I meet Vito and Corbin's shocked gazes, shaking my head discreetly. They glance at Ayla in concern before nodding, but immediately stand behind the couch we're on. I can tell they feel protective of her, the three have become very close friends. Although I didn't expect Vito to ease up and be friendly around her, they both seem to get on great.

Calling for Grace to prepare some food for Ayla and Astra, I sit back and watch the two giggle to themselves and talk about random things. I make sure she eats properly and thankfully, she finishes everything on her plate.

Asher's BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now