"N-Nothing, I just didn't expect you." Something forces me to lie to him, I don't even register myself talking.

The slight tremble to my voice has him cupping my face and forcing me to look at him. His eyes widen at the tears brimming my eyes, pushing me to sit on the couch. Crouching in front of me, he takes my hand, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles into my skin as if to calm me down.

"Hey," He coos softly, wiping away a traitorous tear. "What's wrong, dragostea mea? You can tell me." (My love)

"I feel –" Something stops me from admitting that there's a voice in my head and that I can't control my actions sometimes. I struggle mentally, trying to speak but eventually giving up when I realize that anything I do is futile. "I feel...scared."

Technically it wasn't a lie, but it isn't what I wanted to say either. My shoulders slump as tears of frustration escape me, closing my eyes when Asher wraps his arms around me. My head rests in the crook of his neck, his hand stroking my hair.

"Darling, I'm right here. You don't have to be scared." He hushes, pulling me up so that he can press a firm, assuring kiss to my lips. "You can tell me anything, okay? I don't care if it's in the middle of the night or if I'm in a meeting, whenever you feel scared just come to me."

I nod tiredly, allowing him to pick me up bridal style. Wrapping my arms loosely around his neck, I cuddle into him as he carries me to his bedroom. He lays me down on the king-sized bed, taking off my shoes before joining me. Yawning, I turn and shuffle closer before he chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist. I'm half on top of him, enjoying him rub my back and stroke my hair. His lips occasionally meet my cheek or the crown of my head.

"Ingerasul meu." He whispers just as I slip into a dreamless sleep. (My little angel)


"Ayla!" I wake up with a start at the sound of someone shouting.

Jolting, I open my eyes to find Asher hovering above me with a worried look. Frowning in confusion, I sit up. I don't remember what I had dreamt about but my heart is racing, my skin is drenched in sweat and my body is shaking.

"You were having a nightmare again." He explains, brushing my hair away from my face that was stuck to my skin.

"I'm sorry." I bite my lip in embarrassment, this is the fifth time in two weeks that I've had a nightmare.

"It's okay, do you remember anything?" He asks, nodding when I shake my head.

The unusual thing about my nightmares is that I can never remember what they were about. Usually when a dream is bad enough, I tend to remember it in the mornings. Sighing, I get off the bed and head towards the bathroom, telling Asher that I need to shower. My clothes were sticking to my skin and I felt disgusting. After grabbing another set of pyjamas, I step into the bathroom and strip. Turning the water to cold, I scrub off the sweat and wash my hair, instantly feeling better. Eventually, I get out and dry my body before putting my clothes on. Leaving the bathroom, I throw my used pyjamas in the hamper.

"Ayla." I hear Zoya's voice, relief flooding me at the sound of her voice.

"Hey, why were you and Ivanna ignoring me earlier?" I frown, towel drying my hair.

"I felt tired, so I went to sleep." Ivanna replies and Zoya says that she felt the same, a hint of confusion lacing their voices.

"Oh...okay." I nod to myself before realizing they can't see me.

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