"I told you we can't use our gifts, Ayla!" He yells, eyes wide and filled with fear. "She's fucking everywhere, I could have lost you!"

"I know, I know! I'm sorry, I didn't think!" I reply, sighing when he cups my face. 

"Don't ever do that again until I say it's safe!" He whispers vehemently, resting his forehead against mine. "I cannot lose you, Ayla. Not to her."

"I won't. I'm sorry, Ash." I reply only to growl in frustration when he then starts towards the door with an angry look. I run around him and stop him from opening it, my arms stretched on either side of me.

"Ayla, move!" He grits out, fists clenched and fire in his eyes. "I'm going to fucking tear him to pieces for even touching her! She will not stay with him!"

"Asher, please stop this." I plead, pressing my hands against his chest.


"No!" I snap, shoving him. He glares at me murderously, opening his mouth to protest but I cut him off. "Sit down, now."

He takes a seat on the couch, albeit reluctantly. I must convince him for Sage's sake. I know this isn't how she wanted to tell her brother and she was visibly upset by how things had turned out. And Helios telling everyone that he had claimed her wasn't the smartest idea. Before I teleported, I had taken one last look at her to find her staring at Helios with tears brimming her eyes. After knocking some sense into my angry mate, I plan to check on her next.

"How would you feel if someone wouldn't let us be together?" I ask, standing in front of him with crossed arms.

In an instant, I'm straddling his lap as he snarls possessively. His eyes turn bright red to reflect his anger and I catch the sight of his fangs right before he nips a certain area on my neck. It's where he can smell my essence the strongest which helps him calm down more easily. In the werewolf world, an essence is the equivalent of a scent that mates can smell. I shake my head, running my fingers through his hair.

"You can't stop them from being together just because you don't like him, Asher. That's not fair on Sage. Why do you get to be with your beloved and she doesn't?" I try and make him understand.

He stiffens under my touch before pulling away to look at me. "You knew?"

"Yes." I reply with a stubborn tilt of my chin. "And judging by your reaction, it's a good thing she came to me first."

He glares at me, making me sigh and tug on the ends of his hair. Groaning, he closes his eyes and rests his forehead on my shoulder. I feel all the tension leave his body as he cuddles closer to me, embracing me tightly. We remain silent and I focus my gaze on the view of the forest outside the large window.

"Fine, I won't come between them." He eventually grumbles in defeat, making me grin. "But did she tell you why she covered up the scent of him?"

I shake my head, shrugging halfheartedly. "Maybe she wanted to tell you about him first before revealing that Helios has claimed her?"

"He humiliated her!" Asher snarls, pulling away to look at me. "He fucking smirked while he said it!"

"I know, it wasn't right of him. But Sage will deal with him on her own." I send him a knowing look, watching as he clenches his jaw tightly and looks away.

"Fine." He grits out before turning to me with a determined look. "But if he ever hurts her, you won't stop me from hunting him down."

"Deal." I roll my eyes playfully, making him nip my bottom lip.

I groan at the sharp sting but before I can scold him, he presses his lips to mine. He dominates it completely and unlike before, this kiss is frenzied and hot. His lips trail a fiery path across my skin, peppering kisses along my jaw and neck. I'm a mess with moans and gasps escaping me, surrendering fully. I'm sure I'll have to cover up the numerous hickeys he's making as he bites and sucks on every inch of skin he can find.

Asher's BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now