"Is it guaranteed that all of you will be hybrids, a werewolf or vampire even if your mom was a human before?" He frowns thoughtfully, setting his bottle down on the grass.

"Yes. My mom was kidnapped by a vampire who bit over dad's mark. His own vampire came out to save her and marked her again along with his wolf. She then woke up with all the abilities of dad's beasts. She can't shift or anything but she's just as powerful as my dad. A different kind of hybrid, I guess." I shrug with a smile, my mom is a badass and it's better to stay on her good side.

"That's really interesting." He hums, taking a bite of his sandwich. "And what about you? How was your life back home?"

"It was great, much like yours. I attended high school until sixteen, took a year out and when I turned seventeen my brother and I resumed our studies. We were home-schooled during that year. Dad wanted us to focus on training with our gifts and working with our beasts because we were extremely unstable at the start. Other than that, life was good. My parents always put us kids above anything else and we've gone on multiple trips around the world." He pulls me in between his legs as he listens and I rest my head back on his chest as I eat.

"Any friends? Boyfriends?" His voice turns hard at the end, making me laugh and shake my head.

"None of each. I had a few friends in school and in the pack but they were just with me because of who I am. What about you?"

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He whispers, hugging me tightly and nestling his nose in the crook of my neck. "I have a few good friends that I trust my life with; Vito, Corbin and Dimitri being three of them. I'm also friends with a witch and a warlock; Astra and Fabian. The five of us met when we were young and have known each other since. As for girlfriends, none. I was...uh...I was waiting for you actually."

I turn to see him blushing slightly, making me pinch his cheeks with a squeal. He groans, shoving me a little. Laughing, we continue to talk some more and when I check his watch, I find that two hours have passed. Eventually, we pack up and I'm sad to leave the garden but he tells me that ever since his mother died it's been lonely and that I can make it my own if I wish. I thank him with a kiss to his cheek, appreciating it.

"I need to get back to work." He rubs a hand over his face tiredly.

"Can I help?" I ask, wanting to take the load off his shoulders.

"I'm happy you want to but, until you're officially crowned as my Queen I want you to get settled in and train with Corbin and Vito." He smiles, caressing my cheek.

"Only if you promise to rest properly." I cut him off when he opens his mouth to protest. "And I don't mean resting in your office."

He chuckles, pressing a firm yet lingering kiss to my forehead. I look up at him as he pulls away slowly, his chocolate brown eyes roaming over every feature of my face; as if committing everything to memory. The sweet moment suddenly changes to one full of desire as his eyes flicker to my lips. My breath hitches audibly and I suddenly feel a rush of heat, wanting to feel his lips against mine. Cupping my face with both hands, he turns to me fully. No words are spoken, instead the question lies in his eyes as they move between mine and my lips, silently asking if he can kiss me.

The action makes me smile and I nod without hesitation. Although this will be my first kiss, I trust him completely even if there are a million butterflies wreaking havoc in my tummy. His soft lips meet mine and I follow him as he guides the kiss. I feel like I've come alive and smile when I feel the tingles dancing on my skin. He pulls me closer to the point where I'm straddling him, making me blush over our position.

Suddenly, he bites my bottom lip hard which makes me groan in discomfort. I start to move away but he only pulls me back, catching my lip again between his teeth and pulling on it gently almost like he's soothing it. His tongue tangles with mine, taking over the kiss completely. It turns frenzied and passionate, making me moan. I flush in embarrassment at the loud sound, avoiding his eyes when he pulls away chuckling.

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