(•/-•)/ Rules \(•-\•)

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Please read all of the rules before and fill out the form before requesting anything! Thanks ^-^

Rule One: You must fill out the form before we can begin the role play

Rule Two: No overpowered or perfect characters

Rule Three: No controlling my character's actions or emotions (ex. Landon's POV: Ben fell into Landon's arms and blushed out of embarrassment)

Rule Four: Keep it in third (preferred) or first person. DO NOT use * to show actions, act like your writing a story

Rule Five: I have no line specifics but please give me context to work with or at least suggest a time skip

Rule Six: If I don't respond, feel free to tag me after 5 hours. Please note, I am human (wow, surprising right?) and I need to sleep and go to school

Rule Seven: Do not spam, you may comment more than once but no more than 3 times in a row

Rule Eight: No commenting on other people's chains

Rule Nine: Please let me know if something is making you uncomfortable or if you'd like to change something

Rule Ten: Please correct any spelling or grammar errors you might make just in case my stupid ašš can't figure out what you meant

Rule Eleven: Cussing is allowed but please censor it out (ex: ašš, sh**, etc)

Rule Twelve: Smut is welcomed but we will switch to pms, no exceptions. Also please don't agree to do smut if you are under 15 as it makes me uncomfortable

Rule Thirteen: After a week of no response I will consider the role play finished and no longer respond

Rule Fourteen: This is a boys love role play so no girl main characters (side/other is fine)

Rule Fifteen: Please let me know if you want to end the role play or put it on hold. It hurts my self-esteem when people just abandon

Rule Sixteen: My switches can be subs or doms upon request

Rule Seventeen: I will assume that you're starting unless you ask me to start

Rule Eighteen: This isn't necessarily a rule but I can be random with my responses so please be patient and feel free to remind me to respond

Rule Nineteen: I WILL NOT RP RÄPE!! Any smut must have the consent of both parties. It doesn't have to be directly said but it must be made obvious.

Rule Twenty: Please do not use a character younger than 16. If they are a minor (under 18) I will only rp with another character who is a minor.

Note: (D)=Dom (SW)=switch (Sub)=sub

Password: bold letters in the rules (if you have already used the old password that's fine :3)











Position (sub, dom, switch):

Backstory (optional):

Smut (yes or no):

(You can tag but please be sure that you have all of the information required!)

And that's it! Thank you so much!

"Some cheesy quote about how much I love you" BL Role PlayWhere stories live. Discover now